Rings and plugs

Decided to endeavour into the world of cock rings and penis plugs recently. I ordered a 3 ring steel cock ring I while back and loved it. After just ordering my first penis plug am starting to get a little anxious.

Has anyone experimented with or use them regularly? Can you offer any advice on the best way to 'get it in' or play with it?

Answers welcome from the ladies too 😊

Which penis plug did you order? I got my wife to put my in. Didn't fancy doing it myself. Make sure you use sterile lube.

It's this one


Thought I'd start with something simple and see how I get on, looks quite big in the models hand though!

Did you enjoy it? Which do you have?

Have you read this guide? It explains everything really well :)


This is the one I own.


Think they look bigger in the photos than what they really are. Mine came and it is quite small really. Yes I did really enjoy it the feeling was quite a sensation. Here is my review of it for more detailed information.


Brilliant thank you!

No problem.

Lots of lube and take time, you'll be amazed how big you can go, if you can get your OH to help even better, once you get over the "WHAT? its can be really enjoyable.

After play always have a pee to clean everything out!

I`ve tried a couple of sounds,see my reviews,i`d be interested to hear how you got on with the Cum Through one,as i found my latex one quite fiddly to insert with it being flexible and lubed up! Can`t fault the sensations though!

When is ur plug arriving. I just put mine in by self as my wife wanted me to surprise her by wearing it and surprising it went really easy and don't know why I was so worried about it going in me.

Most guys freak at the thought but it can be quite painless and a very nice feel. Guys if you're wondering get your OH to push a lubed little finger in the end? short/smooth nail though.

Quiet ones are worse! wrote:

Most guys freak at the thought but it can be quite painless and a very nice feel. Guys if you're wondering get your OH to push a lubed little finger in the end? short/smooth nail though.

I think this is wrong.

If you use lube and something small then the first time will be painless.

Biuld up the size of what is inserted slowly to your comfort level and there will be no pain, just sensation

A lubed finger isn`t going to fit in there,no matter how small! Try the sounds,then progress up the diameters,you may just get a pinkie finger in after a while,but make sure nails are trimmed well!

Had a bit play today with my doulde ended sounds, I can get the 13/14mm one in all the way a feels great ("small" end first) and can get a 15mm one in about 3-4" without any pain.

I also have some Rosebud sounds that are 10/11" long but didn't use them today, these go in far more but also feel really nice, guys you may be suprised how it can feel, I've also used a small one on my OH with the aid of a speculum.

Sounds good to me(pun intended!)![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

Sounds good to me(pun intended!)![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)