RIP my womaniser premium :(

So today is the day my womaniser premium died. Not even the charger will revive it and no signs of life. Only had it for 2 years such a shame :frowning:

Died a natural death or murdered… :grin: Plus side you get to go shopping for a replacement.

@sharbur Oh no! :frowning:

The good news is that Womanizer has a 5 year warranty, which at 2 years it is defintiely inside :partying_face:


Well @sharbur sorry to hear about your loss, the good news however is the information from @Lovehoney_Brenna . You may be up and running again before you know it. What great customer service from LH.

This is good to know, thanks for posting this information x

@sharbur Thoughts and prayers (for your warranty!)

2 years was a good life for it :relieved: may it rest in peace :pray:


We’ve used this. The battery in our original premium failed. They very quickly sent us a premium 2. Fantastic service.

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