Role-Play Generator

:game_die: 17, 16

Maid and a Lord, get the feather duster out :joy:

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Painter/artist,/sculptor. X

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@discobot roll 2d77

:game_die: 69, 3

Estate Agent and Police Officer :thinking:

“We have received reports that you’ve been operating an illegal gazumping ring.”

“Gosh. That’s quite an allegation. How serious is this? Can I distract you with a well-proportioned 1980s semi?”

“I’m afraid not, sir. We’re here under strict instructions to smash this ring, and smash it hard.”


@discobot roll 2d79

:game_die: 39, 47

I get excited when I see a ‘40’ number as they’re @Mint-Monster’s section. :slightly_smiling_face:

Mechanic and Angel

A battered Morris Minor pulls into the garage, clanking and juddering as it finally jerks to a stop. The mechanic’s eyes light up in greed.

A beautiful, androgynous figure unfolds itself from the driver’s side, and asks how much it would be to fix. The mechanic sucks air through their teeth, and quotes an impossible number; listing parts and services, and delays that bump the price ever higher.

The angel looks at the mechanic for a second, and calmly asks, “Is that the Truth?”

The mechanic feels something uncomfortable deep inside. Their patter turns to dust in their mouth, and the urge to be honest becomes insurmountable.

They fall to their knees and beg for forgiveness. Prostrating themselves at the feet of the stranger, they confess all their sins and ask for absolution. “How can I atone? How can I atone!” they cry.

“And you thought I was here to get my car fixed…”


It’s looking like the ideas have stalled on this one. I’ve got about two weeks left on my edit window for the OP, so we’re about halfway through the time window.

Is that all the role-play we can think of, or can anyone boost us closer to the target?



Lara Croft! Actually quite a few gaming characters. Not sonic obviously. Bit prickly


Mario and Luigi would have to be added then, don’t know about Yoshi but what ever lol

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Vets/ Veterinary nurses and Pets (for all those furries out there)

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Window cleaner

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Genie (that whole “your wish is my command master/mistress” thing. Plus 3 wishes is fun)

Literary character (hello mr Darcy. Plus there is an alice in wonderland outfit in the store i really fancy trying)

Roman (possibly slave) hold your own bachinnalian

Mythological/fairy tale character (lot of good options here. Greek myths are rife with good stuff. Hades/persephone spring to mind. Rapunsel, snow white, beauty and the beast, east of the sun west of the moon (mystery husband with lights off in that),

Amazonian/tarzan (futurama watchers know what im talking about)


Courtesan (excuse to get the shirts and skirts out)

Slave (lots of historical/fantasy options in this one)

Stow away onboard ship/spaceship/airplane/submarine/other vehicle

Time traveller

Satyr/nymph (seduce the lost human)

Lost hiker

Circus performer


Ok, sorry. Lots of edits. Think thats all i can come up with for now xD

Spy (get to make up your own bond name. Pussy galore eat your heart out)

Ship captain (merchant ship, sailing ship (east india trading company)submarine/spaceship. Lots of good options…plus we could finally find out what happens when kirk and spock get it on)

Ork/troll (pay the toll for crossing the trolls bridge, get kidnapped by orks. All good stuff)

Unicorn (excuse to buy one of those coloured pony tails)

Prince/princess (classic but fun)

Hero/knight (be the knight in shining armour and save your prince from certain doom.)

Possessed person (could go body snatchers/succubus/stepford wives/ghost. lots of fun options. Could be pretty creepy too, if thats your thing)

The “bad guy” (eg. Evil god/supervillan/evil monster etc good excuse to break out the handcuffs and “convince” your enemy to reveal their secrets)

highwayman/woman (might fall under robber, but who doesnt want to play Dick Turpin. “This is a hold up. Hand over all your gold and valuables, starting with what youve got hidden in your trousers” :wink: : )


Psychologist (…and how does that make you feel?)

Mad scientist /mad scientists experiment. (Get your evil laugh ready)

Explorer (dr livingstone i presume? Excuse to discover lost civilisations, land on strange planets etc. All that “journey to the centre of the earth” goodness)

Cat (housecat/werecat/cat alien/catwoman…other catbased thing)

Hmm. Cant see nun/priest/priestess on the list. (Repent your sins or get your pagan on and go for some sacrificial virgin action. Can also mix this with fantasy elements or space for fun. Starship pilot kidnapped by amazonian snake god pristess for offering to their god in erotic ritual. Sighn me up :smiley: )

Viking raider (yes, break out the long boats and beard plaits)

Dragon/treasure thief (did the newest addition to your hoard just walk in?)

Treasure hunter (indianajones/lara croft. Could mix this with amazon, anchient god, aztec temple priest, smuggler. Lots of possibilities)


That is fantastic. :+1: I didn’t want to comment earlier in case I broke your mojo flow, but that’s even better than I’d hoped for. :slightly_smiling_face::medal_sports:

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Thanks for giving me the space to edit a stupid number of times xD
Think im done for the evening now. Maybe i’ll see if i can think of any more tomorrow if were still not up to 120 decent ones

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