Role-Play Generator

Maybe Discobot is already tired of me!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well, that would make more sense. Off I go…

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Good shout. I bet there’s a few sports ones we could add in:

  • Rugby Player
  • Tennis Ace
  • Footballer
  • Gymnast
  • Darts Champion
  • Pro Wrestler
  • any others?
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Hockey :field_hockey:
Jockey :horse_racing:t3:
Equestrian :tophat:

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Masseur/Masseuse :massage_man:t3: :massage_woman:t3:

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Door to door salesman/ saleswoman. :roll_eyes:

Good morning madam, I’m from Lovehoney, what can I interest you in today? :kissing_heart:

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Realtor / client

Prostitute / John or Jane

Lender / person in debt (gotta be a better name for that)

Bookie / gambler

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@discobot roll 2d56

:game_die: 17, 21

Lord/Lady and Monarch…
So many possibilities

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@discobot roll 2d71

:game_die: 21, 64

I got Monarch too. :slightly_smiling_face: Monarch and Jockey.

The Queen is into horse racing, so it’s not that much of a stretch… :slightly_smiling_face:

I see alien, vampire and devil so maybe I’ve missed it, but some specific monsters might be fun for people. Roleplay can have costumes, so
Furry monster / werewolf
Tentacle monster, dildos for hands (duct tape for extra realism)

Corrupt police / politician / border control / government official

The milkman

Pizza delivery

Tennis coach (there’s tennis ace but it’s the coach who often has the affair :upside_down_face:) and yoga instructor


I was tempted to put “eldritch horror” at first, but was unsure how you could roleplay that :sweat_smile:. I like the tentacle arms idea, though. Stick-on googly eyes for extra effect?

If you roll a prime you can pick Cthulhu. :slightly_smiling_face:


Googly eyes and I’m sure strap-ons could be attached to various parts of the body with a little imagination…

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We enjoy Secretary staying late to help “The Boss”


@discobot roll 2d76