Farmer & criminal. Someone’s out to thieve some corn on cob to have their way with!
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
I think I’ve already reached the limits of my imagination. Surely someone else must have some others?
@discobot roll 2d6
1, 4
Oooh, doctor & secretary.
Secretary: “I’ve had a number of complaints with patients in pain… It’s time for a taste of your own medicine.”
Brings out the crop and cane from under the desk, using the Dr’s stethoscope as a gag.
As you can tell, roleplay isn’t really my thing I’m not sure what it is but it’s never been for me unfortunately - would love to though as some of the outfits are lush!
The only role playing happening in our house is husband and wife or mum and dad…
I just want to make to robot play again…
Does he give different quotes and fortunes every time?
@discobot fortune
Outlook not so good
That’s terrible.
Now I know it’s there, I want to reply to all sorts of thread to see if discorobot will come up with a quote or fortune that miggt be relevant…
I’m so sorry we derailed your thread…
6, 3
Um, thanks Discobot. Not sure I asked you for one, but if you insist…
Teacher and Sheep
While searching for a lost student on a geography field trip a desperate teacher takes refuge in an abandoned barn. The weather had been miserable all day, and now darkness had fallen a storm was brewing. They hugged their parka closer to them, and huddled in the corner to try and stay warm. Alone in the dark, all wet, cold and miserable, they waited for the rain to stop. Then they felt a warm, heavy presence at their side, and a gentle ‘baaaa’ in their ear. It turns out the teacher wasn’t as alone as they thought… The sheep took pity on the poor, bedraggled human, and snuggled in for warmth. As their eyes met in the moonlight, they felt a connection neither of them could deny…
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
You should write adult literature. Ten points