Saying Grace before Sunday lunch

We have always said it in our family, before Sunday lunch. Mum abd dad have always been religious, but my brother and I aren’t.

We don’t say Grace when we have relatives around for Sunday lunch though.

Are we in the tiny minority of families who say it these days?

Thoughts please.

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It’s something my side of the family have never done for 3 generations to my knowledge although my wife’s (Catholic) family used to do so until she was around 12.

Grace or giving thanks is still apart of meals for us. It doesn’t have to be to a deity but it can be, I’m grateful that I have the ability to buy it, live in a part of the world with food abundance , and have the time to make and prepare the meals we eat.

No never done it, nor do any of my immediate family.

I’ve never said it before but am always grateful and say thank you to whoever makes dinner


Not something I’ve ever done. If I’m with people who do, I have absolutely no problem joining in.


Nope not ever sat a table with family in my 60 plus years and thanked anyone for the food other than those who cooked it, but then we were never religious

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It’s not something we have ever done or ever would.

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