Sex and the Seasons

We've all shared before about which time of the day we prefer to have sex - but does your sex drive plummet at certain times of year? Does your libido spike according to the seasons? Does SAD creep into your sex life?

The days are starting to feel a whole lot more autumnal and the evenings are definitely drawing in. Now this makes me a grumpy so-and-so and I'm definitely finding myself running more bubble baths to warm up. However, the darkening evenings have encouraged me to light more candles and it's a bit more romantic than summer. I think personally I'm friskiest in spring, where it feels like the world is waking up, the days start to get longer and when it's my anniversary!

How about you?

Hi Alice,

I think my libido probably does wain a bit as the winter evenings draw closer (Winter Draws On and all that). I definitely have more of a spring in my step when the sun's shining. The exception is Christmas when we both get to try out new toys in our Christmas stockings and in her case new Christmas stockings :).



I dont have a specific season but do find that when they change it has a huge effect on me. The last couple of days the weather has been changing so drastically and a fuggy head feeling decended wednesday night which turned into a full on blocked nose by last night and the last thing I feel like at the moment is the OH's advances. Spring to summer does not bother me quite as much as the others as its more a gradual change. Feeling kinda sorry for myself today :(

I can't really comment on this fairly as I only have limited time with OH anyways and the seasons we're both together isn't really by choice.

I think in the spring/summer we're a bit more friskier as we're more active and the weather is so nice! In the winter, although we do snuggle up a lot more we tend to be a little more laidback.

I think the season affects what time of day I'm horniest!

Summer means frisky mornings

Winter means early nights or rainy sundays spent in bed :)

so yes seasons do affect me :)

No, it does not, but the sudden changes in weather of the last moth do have serious effect on me - I can feel tired, have a headache as the pressure changes suddenly. I feel more tired and cannot cope properly and with added stress I feel less like having sex.

yes they affect me, summer im horny, wearing less clothes and sun makes me happier, my sex drive drops december/january, the stress of xmas and the family staying etc, then going back to work in january in the dark mornings and coming home in the dark and i seem more tired

In the summer my sex drive goes down, it's too humid a lot of the time. However, in the winter, there is nothing better than warming yourselves up with a good steamy session!

hi oh love it in winter my self a lot better than summer defo

Interesting question. I do tend to have earlier nights when it gets to winter. Despite being in my early twenties (Very early twenties) I do find myself snuggling up in bed at around 8 o clock, so I do have more time to sort myself out as it were.

My drive definately does wax and wane, but I can't rightly say it's seasonal. The idea of nice wintery sex does sound Very good.

I think summer is the time for experimenting, winter the time for romance.

I love the summer. All the lovely breasts and thighs on display especially at home back me feel very horny and my OH is from warmer climate so she feels much more relaxed and likely to take her clothes off and is happy to be naked.

As we are a bit eco mental in this house in winter I find the house bloody freezing ( thermostat is no more that 18C ) and so no shenanigans unless snuggled in bed.

This year we've just had a lovely wood burning stove put in so we are both looking forwards to fireside sex! should be lovely and cosy

I wouldn't say it affects my sex life but I do suffer from SAD. It's not so bad these day's as I've learned to accept that it is what it is and I do my best to deal with it.

This year's "mock summer" hasn't helped though.

I was watching a weather program on the BBC that basically rejected this perception that we all have that summers were longer and hotter when we were younger and winters were proper winters.

Met office data just doesn't support this at all and just our memory playing tricks on us exaggerating the past and rejecting to recall all the drab rainy days.

Well I found it interesting anyway...

Anyway back on topic love summer. Everyone's too concealed , I like lots of legs and boobs and pretty skirts in the hot weather.

Brilliant thread Alice as I had never really considered the idea but yes your right for me it does.

I do find Summer with wearing shorter skirs, shorrts, showing leg ad boob I feel very sexy thats the best time of year for me, then it wanes a bit now and will definitely pick up again soon, but its not just me its my OH too...phew!

Id hate to be the one that "has a headache"lol.

The trouble is this kind of weather really does bring on my headaches so I find its not an excuse its been real .

Then by the time Winter is here we tend to snuggle up more to keep warm in bed, so we have alot more body contact all night long than in Summer. Thats a huge turn on!

The long summer nights instead of snuggling after sex; your pushing each other away as your way too hot lol.

Spring hmm well not sure I think its the beginning of Summer and you start to feel more sexy again.

But to be honest i dont lose too much sexdrive especially as Ive got to my 40's its been on the increase every month so I darnt think what might happen by Christmas lol.

If I've been out in the sun a lot it seems to make me want sex more can't say it has any effect on the OH as he just wants it all the time anyway.

I do get a mild sympton of SAD but it tends to be after Christmas that I feel most fed up and can't be bothered.