Sex drive

Hi, Ive recently joined the forum but been a member for a little while, will quickly introduce myself. Im 19, nearly 20, I am very inexperienced about sex and recently tried sex toys. I live on my own now so much better to use than when I shared my room with my sister (would never have dreamed of using or evwn buying one then haha) Anyway, the sex toys are not doing what I need them to do right now and I have a really high sex drive. Im really awkward so cant get in a proper relationship. Any new sex toys to try or what should I do?? Tia

I think people would be able to help you better if we knew what type of stimulation you like, and what toys you already have.

Once you share a bit more info, there's definitely people on here who can help you out!

I agree with Cinderella69! Lovehoney has such an extensive variety of toys that there certainly is something that can blow your mind! But we need you to help us help you. =)

Try anal toys. It takes your sexual experience into another level. x

We do need more details of what you are playing with. However a shot in the dark here. Why not try a suction cup dildo of a size suitable to your liking plus a couple of vibrators Sexy undies as also a turn on and will boost your confidence.

I started using my first toys around your age and because they didn't do it for me straight away, I gave up on them. But I gave them another chance when I was 28 and I'm so happy I did.

For me, I think I was being too impatient and I was using the wrong type of toys for me. Take your time and get to know what your body likes.

My wife loves her Satisfyer Pro toy. It's quite different from pretty much everything she's tried before, and works well. Do some research on LH and see how amazing this product is, you won't be sorry