Sex drive

I'm 28, married for 3 years and hav an 18 month old daughter. Iv noticed lately I'm thinking a lot more about sex. But not just with my husband. Even while I'm in work I'm looking at a lot of men and finding them attractive. And I catch myself imagining fucking them. I'm still having a great sex life with hubby. But I'm wanting to try new things and do it a lot more. Can your sex drive increase at this age or is it something else?

Of course it can - women often get more confident and sexual as they get older :)

It's great you have a good sex life so maybe you can spice things up a bit more - I'm sure he wouldn't mind!!! And imagining sex with other people is VERY normal! ;p

Great picture by the way x

Thank you. Thing is I want try things but hubby will not try them. I have spoke about it and he doesn't agree with what I want to try. So it leaves me feeling abit frustrated

I totally believe your sex drive increases, particuarly in the late 20's. I'm 29, so is my wife... I think about it more, and she does too... and it's perfectly normal to imagine what it'd be like with others. I hope it is, anyway ;)

Does he tell you why he doesn't want to try these things, or is it a flat out rejection? He may simply be fearful.. of not being able to live up to your desires, trying new things, etc etc.

If it's not probing too much, what is it and have you searched these forums for any advice on introducing that thing? I think a lot of people here will have experienced your frustrations.

I wish my wife would suggest things to me... sadly she has little interest. I think it is fairly normal to look at other people and think........

It is said that men are at thier peak at 18 - 20 and women at 40.

id like to try a threesome and maybe going to a swingers group. but he doesnt like the idea of involving others in our relationship. id also like to be a bit more daring outdoors, but he thinks its a personal thing that should be kept between us and behind closed doors.

That is a big step (the swingers/threesome thing). I don't know if beyond fantasy I could share somebody I loved.

The more daring things - outside etc I would be well up for though :)

He just sounds like he loves you and is private and wants you all to himself - no bad thing, but maybe not 100% compatible?

i have always had a high sex drive,its not easy when out and i`m horny,i cant help it,if i see someone i`m sexualy attracted to then my mind goes into overdrive and i`m playing the scene in my head,over the years i have learnt to control myself but you are not alone :-) i agree with tomperch that is a very big step to bring into a relationship a third party,and as far as outdoors just catch him in the momment :-) x

I agree with tom. The threesome thing in reality is a lot diff from the fantasy

I'm 54 and since I hit menopause my sex drive has gone through the freakin roof, unfortunately my husband's has gone through the floor, hence the new interest in sex toys, but he's so old fashioned he would freak if he knew I was going to buy them.

Doing it out doors is magical. Last year, we did it overlooking a beautiful valley, all to our selves in the Alps, while traffic whizzed by. It was exhilarating and very erotic as we never knew when someone was going to stop their car and take a look at the view, and oh boy what a view they would have seenblush

I agree, its a hugh step, and one you cannot reverse? My partner talks about it now and again, he'd love to have me and a girl friend, but he admits he doesn't want to share me with another guy. Is it really worth the risk? Sounds like your husband adores you and you adore him. You don't want to risk that.

It is said that men are at thier peak at 18 - 20 and women at 40.

I'm 32 and I think I'm at my peak every morning and or any other time my wife isn't

I can feel my drive is much higher now when I am 26 than it used to be when I was 20 and I am far more confident about myself and what I want, which only increases it further.

I should say that threesome and swingers is not for everyone. Some people want to try it, some people dont. I know I personally would not be able to share my partner with another. And I think I would be feeling very low and jealous if it happened.

I would suggest maybe something else. Lets see if he eg. agrees to use of toys. Etc. I know unfulfilled fantasies are bit frustrating, but not all fantasies can be fullfilled.