Sex Machine, Sybian, Cowgirl, Motorbunny


Looking for anyone who’s got experience of them to compare? Online reviews articles always have risk was just made up for deadline or secretly an ad.

Having now finally moved into out first home! Looking to pick up where our love life got paused. For Christmas considering getting a sex machine and/or swing.

Partner enjoys clitoral stimulation more than penetrative so I’m looking at the saddle style machines. Most used toy is a Doxy. Had a search for Sybian and most posts a bit old or people wanting to try, and cowgirl mostly about positions.

LH stock a cowgirl but no others.

Wondering how loud they are? Were now in a semi detached and childless so noise less of an issue but still a concern if very loud.

How powerful are they? Doxy can overwhelm after awhile.
Anyone had experience importing a Sybian? Worth the effort?

Thank you


We used to have a Syxxian. It was very expensive and quite effective but very, very loud.

We also found that by the time we had got it out and set it up the mood had gone.

We sold it on and don’t miss it at all.

Very very very loud. Very very desensitizing after extended use. You’ll never find anything more intense, but it’s so intense it’s outright painful for a lot of people. Personally I would recommend seeing if there are any kink scenes in your local area that offer rentals for these kinds of things to see if you’d enjoy it first. Most established communities have such a thing available to them. I’ve been looking into them lately as a housewarming gift for myself when I move out, ha.

Thanks, for the suggestion kink communities are out of question with my partner.

I had looked at rentals , only issue is its jarring to me to pay around a 10th of the device cost to rent it. And my partner would not like using something that’s been used regardless of how sanitised it is.

Good luck with the move.

My husband bought us the motor bunny one last Christmas. We had looked at them and watched some porn together with sex machines but I didn’t expect him to order one, but I am not complaining at all!

He works away most weeks, I like to masturbate often, I’ve used a wand vibrator for a long time and he says what this does to me so in some ways it made sense!

It is loud but we have no kids and live in a detached house so it’s not too much of an issue. Having no kids mean we can leave it set up in a spare bedroom.

Has it been worth it? Absolutely, he loves to watch me on it, even control it remotely and I can jump on any time for an orgasm in a few minutes. I’ve definitely had more orgasms since we got it.

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