Sex Toy storage

Thank you! I must have missed it!

I think my question was slightly different. Maybe I worded it wrong. I was asking if anyone used hidden mirror cabinets or had experience making one and if not where they hide theres… but no worries im sure if someone uses a hidden mirror it wouldve been posted here

We have a suitcase under the bed but keep the toys we use most in the bedside drawer

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I have my dildos stuck to the inside of my wardrobe


I’d be interested for the parents on the threads. Our collection has grown and so has my child - we did have a recent mishap :see_no_evil:


Never had a mishap but have always been ready and happy to explain anything that might come about.

This is never more valuable as the age of 18 approaches for our kid. We know they have the confidence to come and talk with us.

@Disneybride were you the cool mum? best thing is, is if they are young they are likely to not remember past next week especially if it’s not constantly referenced.

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Would not mind explaining - unfortunate our child is not that grown yet - think more ‘well this is a cool lightsaber’ kind of train :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Although not our child our first married pet mistook a vibrator for a chew toy after it somehow decided getting into the toy chest was a great idea. Lessons were indeed learned that day.



I need to collate them all together as they’re not on one place currently and he’s very inquisitive!


That’s actually genius


We did have them in the beside drawer, but that’s where he found the ‘lightsaber’ haha


Yes, they don’t touch each other then

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We have two big storage boxes that sit in our wardrobe full of toys, however the worst thing is as we regularly use sex toys they often dont see to make it back into the box all the time and as a result our chest of drawers and bedside cabinet often endup covered in toys :see_no_evil:

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Mrs W here …

We keep all ours in cupboards in the front room …

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I keep mine in some lockable metal storage boxes from Amazon, tend to keep the keys hidden somewhere safe. Big enough to fit a decent amount in to be honest

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We have a small storage box under our bed
Looking to get a bigger box as the toys are well packed in there lol

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I have lots of toys. I mostly leep them in a drawer. I have some case type bags that came with certain toys but I’m not very good at using them. I’d love to have a case for my toys with a lock to add mystery.

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We lost the key to the box last weekend. The metal box is no more. :rofl:. Found the key this weekend :weary:

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They are in a drawer next to my bed… anyone who goes upstairs is told not to go anywhere near the drawer as it is private!!

I just bought a house and im actually using one of the spare rooms to have everything out in the open. I live alone, no kids, so dont have to hide anything.

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