Sex Toy storage

Hey - so I started out with two small toys, easy to keep hidden just in their regular packaging.

I’ve recently added a few more to the collection and have a decent amount of lube too.

What do you use to store all your toys and things? And where do you keep it hidden (if you have them out loud and proud good on you!)


I’m in a very similar sex toy boat! :joy:

The toys are mainly for my own consumption. Any shared toys with OH are in mutually available areas of the home such as bedside cabinet etc.

I have never really had a “collection” of toys before and used to buy a toy, use it and then throw it away after a couple of uses as my guilt for the better of me! I am, however, a better man now and I keep hold of them…

Over the past couple of months I have gone from 1 to nearly 7 or 8 toys (all from Love Honey :heart_eyes: ). So my storage concerns are also troubling me. At the moment, I use a convenient work rucksack to keep them away from prying eyes.

Apart from that, I’m here to see if there are any other ideas…

I have storage boxes under my bed. I started with one… ended up with 4 overflowing :woman_facepalming:t2: had a big destash at the weekend!

I still have one full of dildos and vibrators that are all stood up to make room :rofl:

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I have two very large storage boxes in the bottom of my wardrobe and i am soon going to buy another one to store everything i did do a clear out but it didnt last long lol

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Mine are hidden everywhere in my room lol :joy:
But I always refer to what someone once said on here that a toolbox makes for great storage and you can padlock it if needed!

These pads just sit under the bed as they are purely support cushions my sock draw is where I keep the charging cables and lubes etc study with the PJ’s.

Everything else toy wise that’s not in use 24/7 sits in a box under the bed 30cm wide x 30cm tall and 45cm long. And I now need a second to keep the Christmas presents in too.

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I have toys and accessories all over the place. Some are sitting out in an basket on tip of the drawers, my current favs are beside my bed. Some are in the drawers under my bed and theres more in boxes in the spare room.

I live alone, so I’ve no prying eyes to hide them from apart from when I’m getting help from family feeding my cats. The toys in the drawers are still there from August when I was away and my mum was helping me out.


I’ve shared this many times on this forum now but this is our bedroom/playroom and my peide & joy :blush:: Our Magnolia Room Of Sensation! – Ten Shades & Me


We have other people about. I recently purchased a metal camera box with lock to store things in.

I then fitted a USB charger in the box so two locked up devices can recharge at once. Working quite well for now

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We too have a growing collection so purchased this

link removed by mod

Bought some extra locks for the other drawers and all good

Large IKEA under the bed storage box - it’s fabric so easy to pull out. That holds most of our toys and BDSM kit.

Then a large box in the wardrobe for liberator spreader bar and our DIY stockade. Liberator bonbon hidden in another wardrobe, and the Lovehoney wedge kit in a massive box in the garage :joy:

I’m trying to keep my collection pruned such that it fits into the large toy case that is sold by Lovehoney. You can jam quite a bit into it, but it won’t hold much in the way of male toys like a Fleshlight, for example, so anything like that would be stored elsewhere (I have none at the moment, didn’t love the ones I had and got rid of them).

How are you storing your sex toys, etc…? I currently have a tool box for my toys and a container for my hog ties/ bdsm straps, and a bin for my games.
I was thinking of making a hidden mirror cabinet, is that something anyone has done?
Where do you hide your toys if you hide them?

Not sure if this is best for this category or sex toys category

Probably sex toys I would think.

Also, welcome to our lair :grin: Our Magnolia Room Of Sensation! – Ten Shades & Me

we bought a cheap lockable chest of drawers competitor removed by mod., easy storage and secure from child

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Have to many toys to hide, so some are in plain sight but have other functions others have their places and if anyone finds them they the first question asked is why were you in our room when not given permission.

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@MikeAdams I’ve merged your new topic into an existing one about the same thing :+1:t2:

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With so many children in the house one has to be very clever about this. I use a zipped up bible case :laughing: stored in my bedside table.

We have far to much to just simply hide in and around the bedroom so we have a double wardrobe for it all in the office. 5 pull out drawers and hanging space. :grimacing: