Sex Toy Tester Thread 2020

Updated ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Oooh. Me and @MsR were chatting about the Minamo Bendy-Squidge. :slightly_smiling_face:

Updated. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

All updated thank you @Lovehoney_Brenna! I was just looking at the Iroha Minamo last night - looks really intriguing. Love a G-spot vibe!

Updated! Thanks @Lovehoney_Brenna x

Thanks for the update, Brenna!
The Iroha Minamo vibrator along with the R-rated mugs are now on my wishlist. :slight_smile:

Updated thanks @Lovehoney_Brenna that Iroha looks exciting! Itโ€™s beautiful to look at too :crossed_fingers:t2:

Ahahaha those mugs :rofl::rofl: Dying :joy::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Updated , mugs did make me laugh.



(Excited squeak!)

Updated x

Updated! Those mugs are great :joy: x

Updated! How exciting that lovehoney has an Iroha product now!

List updated. Thanks!

Oh wow. Those mugs!!! I want to give the penis one to the builders and see if they notice!! Ha ha.


Updated thank you

My list is updated Brenna

Thank you

Updated :slight_smile:

Loving the new naughty mugs on the list at the minute. My kind of novelty if I were living somewhere free enough to get away with it haha

My thought exactly when I first saw it in the New section! :rofl:
Any friends round too will definitely be getting that mug, itโ€™s on my wishlists probably as a Christmas novalty purchase :+1: