Updated, thanks
Updated list
Thanks @Lovehoney_Brenna
Thanks Brenna. List updated.
My wife has a new love of wavy pastel-coloured vibrators… and I have a longstanding love of Tenga products. So we would both LOVE to review the Iroha Minamo G-Spot toy!
And defam has also been petitioning for you to get a substantial raise. Just in case you want to take that into consideration…?
Hi Brenna! My list is updated, thank you!
So i thought it would be really nice to say thanks very, really very much to LH and more than often Brenna for the opportunities we’ve had on the testers received.
It’s an absolute pleasure to be on the testers/squirrels list and reviewing is so much fun for us.
Not only do you get things to test for honest reviews but it opens up some things that you would not normally purchase.
We only ever put in for testers or agree to test things that would suit us. We have even turned down things that dont suit us to ensure others get a chance.
Hopefully a few of you read this as more often than not you see many posts wanting everything much of the time. You should consider your options and think about what you’d really like to test as you must see it as an honour to be appreciated in this forum.
I expect many of you have your wishlists full of items under “sex toy testers” and instead should delete them often or move them to your personal wishlist for ordering later if its something you actually want. Quite often we move things to our wishlist to keep us reminded.
Remember its a privelage not a free ticket.
So all in all this was really a very big thanks to LH and say we appreciate you!
List updated
Also to echo what @rumbled said, THANK YOU for letting us test things. Its very much appreciated, and I absolutely love testing things and thinking about not just if I like it, but what other people want to know!!
Updated the list!
I couldn’t agree more and the appreciation for Lovehoney and @Lovehoney_Brenna is off the scale.
I myself have also been fortunate to test so so many free toys and items over the last few months. Like you @rumbled, several times I’ve also turned down offers or not put my name forward for things that I felt others may have been more suitable for or could have enjoyed trying more than me.
All of the love
List all up to date! and empty!
Very well said and nicely put @rumbled I absolutely agree that It’s always best to only add items you believe would suit you and you’d have a genuine interest in weather solo or as a couple otherwise your review or feelings towards that particular item are already hindered before testing its full potential if you don’t believe it’s something you would enjoy, weather a good or bad experience.
Also to mention Lovehoney customer service is off the scale amazing! & thank you to @Lovehoney_Brenna for giving us the opportunity and chance to test all your amazing items you produce here at LH!
Never had the chance of being testers… yet…
Out of curiosity how often is the list updated and are they distributed on a “first post” basis? Our list is now empty other than a few select items mentioned on the latest page if we’re using it correctly!?!?
Gotta be in it to win it right?
Hi, the list is normally updated at least once a week but it does depend on what LH have that needs testing.
It does sound like you are doing it right; just add the items you would be interested in from that page to a public wish list named “sex toy testers” or similar. When Brenna is ready to send the products out, she’ll look search through and select appropriate people, mainly based on their previous reviews. It isn’t done on a first come, first served based.
He @EeeeeeHeeeeeeee , I’m probably just missing an underscore or something in your name for the web address but I couldn’t find your current reviews page. Im sure someone better at locating these things like @Ian_Chimp might have better luck?
Testers are not sent out on a first post basis, they will be sent out based on your previous purchased product reviews which show @Lovehoney_Brenna how you review stuff and what products would be most suitable for you that you’ve indicated an interest in by putting on your tester list. Keeping your list up to date with the current tester items like you do is absolutely the right thing .
If you have a thorough read through Review for Lovehoney - All you need to know! it should tell you everything you need plus if you use the search function there are a number of threads with useful information on what people want to read about in the reviews
Thanks @Ian_Chimp knew you’d find it - I must have had the wrong number of eeee’s!
@EeeeeeHeeeeeeee you maybe need to have a few more reviews written before you get picked.
All updated.
List updated!
Hey All! The list has been updated!
Yay updated , dildo look thrilling
Thanks Brenna, list updated. I love glass and want to try metal next