
I was sexting the missus last night in sending her pictures and also videos to get her in the room. I am a massive fan of sexting


My wife doesn’t like sexting.

So I write erotic stories. I write part and leave it at a tantalising bit.
Wait until she replies ‘and’. Then drip feed her more of the story throughout the day.

It won’t make him sext text you. But he will be fired up after reading them and you will be fired up after writing them.


I do that with hubby write erotic scenarios, and drip feed it to him throughout the day, and we’re all fired up for our time. We’ve been together for 14 and a half years and it’s just getting better, he’s now doing more of sexting and plenty of photos, some times he just sends them and starts up the sexting


You: i want you to bend me over and slide your big dick inside me.

Him: OK


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This made me laugh as men do usually reply with


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Oh my guy is quite chatty over text. Uses emojis and everything!

I love when He sends me a picture or tells me what he’s going to do when he comes over.

I love a teasing conversation that gets us both worked up.
It doesnt necessarily have to lead anywhere eventually but being able to get really hot and worked up through use of the right language and mental imagery is very :fire::fire:

I’ve set up a separate whats app chat between me and the OH called ‘confessions of a wife’ and often tell him what i want him to do to me or what I’m gunna do to him I have also said any photos will be one view only so he better pay attention!! Its my little way of dominating the situation (which he likes) and teasing him while we’re apart.

I am worried that something might be sent to everyone on my contacts though lol :grimacing::woman_facepalming:t5:


I love a good sexting session but my wife really suffers with a lack of sexual self confidence so she isn’t confident in telling me what she likes or wants to do. We are working on that and she is doing really well but look forward to getting pictures and messages from her to help build up that raw intense desire

I generally send little stories or day dreams ive had about them etc. Then its like an erotic story for them to enjoy

This right here! All the time when I’m

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Hi @HotSpedTeacher welcome to the forum, its good to have you on board.

Mrs horny at50 an myself have been sexting with another couple and it is hot hot hot.

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Been having some amazing sexting sessions recently.
Its even better when you’re both on the same wavelength.


Plenty of that today :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
And a few pictures too :hot_face:


Hi there @HotSpedTeacher

The heart stopping, gut wrenching, cold sweat FEAR you feel when you think you might just have sent something lewd to the wrong contact is unlike anything I can describe and definitely a very good reason not to sext…

But, fool that I am, it hasn’t stopped me yet. :sweat_smile:

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Those same wavelength :sparkles:feels:sparkles:!

Highly underrated, understated and overall overlooked. When something spontaneous gets rolling effortlessly it is just SO satisfying. The makings of some IRL lip-biting for sure.


Ouch! No crimbo prezzies for you! :grimacing:

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