Sexual Happiness Podcasts

:lh_heart_purple: Lovehoney, 18 Oct 2019
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Season One
Episode 25

What Are Fetishes All About?

From feet to desk lamps, the world of fetishes is endless - but what does having a fetish mean for your sex life?

This week on the Sexual Happiness Podcast, Sammi and Nick are joined by Lovehoney newbie Violet to talk all things fetish. What’s the difference between a fetish and a kink? How can you talk about your fetish with a partner? And is there such a thing as a train fetish? You’ll have to listen to find out.

:lh_heart_purple: Lovehoney, 23 Oct 2019

Ep.25.Sexual Happiness Podcast: What Are Fetishes All About? :page_facing_up:

Are you gaga for grit and pebbles or loco for locomotives? Maybe you are hot for trotters and can’t climax unless one little piggie makes it to that damned elusive market and another goes ‘weeeeeee’ all the way home?

So, what actually qualifies as a ‘fetish’ or a ‘kink’? Is it safe or indeed healthy to practise these often bizarre predilections? Well… The World Health Authority, they say yes - as long as no one comes to harm. Do you have a secret fetish that you’d like to introduce to a partner but aren’t sure of the best way to approach it?

This week, Sam and Nick are joined by Lovehoney newbie, Violet and they share their thoughts on what fetishes are all about as well as answering your questions and sharing their sex facts!

And of course, we cover our usual segments “You can never know enough about sex” and “Question of the week” where we share what we’ve learned about sex this week, and answer your sex questions.

Got a question or topic you want us to cover? Email us at or comment below.

You can find us on iTunes, Soundcloud and Spotify. New episodes every Wednesday. Subscribe to stay up to date!

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  • I wish I’d not :hear_no_evil:
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