Over the past few weeks, I've had loads of board games, sexy dice and playing cards pass by my desk and it made me wonder what everyone thought of them?
Have you used any sexy board games, dice (die, dices, dies, deece...) or playing cards to spice things up? Did you like, or was it a bit of a wasted exercise?
I admit to being a bit of a board game person (love some Articulare and Cranium, and am partial to a bit of Scrabble - Monopoly causes too many arguments) but have never tried a sexy board game. Dice and cards, yes, but for some reason not a board game.
For saying me and WandA are usually both spoil sports - we actually really enjoyed Monogamy! I thought we'd feel stupid and not play along properly but we did, we had a giggle and it was good fun and extended foreplay!
I'd definitely recommend!
As long as you don't take yourself too seriously and are prepared to make a tit out of yourself then it can be very fun!
My OH and I don't hake Nooki or Monogamy although Monogamy is on my wishlist. We do have Poker for Lovers which I got as a tester. We have had lots of fun with it although after a while we have gotten a little fed up with the same chips. We are going to use little sticky lables and write our own! x
Not played any board games, as yet although theres a few on my wishlists but ive got dice, karma sutra cards, the iou cards, romance cards and mystery sex heart. Just adds a bit of fun and varies things a bit i find. Have decisions of what we get up to made for us so its a bit of a suspense/surprise thing which i like x
We play back gammon, cribbage, and scrabble for sex first one to 3 get's to decide what they want to do to the other person that and a bottle of wineand a brandy or two make the dark night very entertaining
We play back gammon, cribbage, and scrabble for sex first one to 3 get's to decide what they want to do to the other person that and a bottle of wineand a brandy or two make the dark night very entertaining
we sometimes do this with uno and connect 4. Connect foreplay is a good game where each piece has something sexual on and whoever wins gets their 4 things done x
Had the chance to play Nookii over the weekend and it was fantastic. Each of the cards is quite specific and explains the actions you should do in several sentences - I thought I'd find this too prescriptive, but actually being instructed to do something very carefully (and different to how you usually would) was brilliant.
Only thing is - it's another card/dice game rather than a board game! Looks like I'll have to get Monogamy (maybe for Christmas?) to compare and contrast.