Should I Wear A Condom Or Cum Inside A Realistic Vagina?

Hi all should wear i wear a condom or cum inside realistic vagina such a fleshlight etc?

@ste03 i assume it’s yours and you are not sharing so go ahead and enjoy condom free - just need to clean up afterwards

Or you can have a posh wank … :lovehoney_heart:

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Yes it’s mine xx.

Have had a posh wank a few times lol xx

I don’t get it myself but my husband sometimes likes a posh wank - I’m always happy to help him out - but sometimes he gets a condom on and I wank him off — surly it’s better without (men- sometimes I don’t get it) :lovehoney_heart:

It’s better without i think not as messy with.

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What is a posh wank?

Wearing a condom having a wank.

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Oh @Longbeard - I cannot believe you ask that question- I can only guess you are young …

As others say - it’s having a wank while wearing a condom

As I say I just don’t get it - but my husband loves it especially when he is a bit drunk… :lovehoney_heart:

No 52 I am in the US I knew what wank was but not posh. How does that mean condom? Just wondering.


It must be a uk thing :lovehoney_heart:

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Do what you like, its your toy and your penis :man_shrugging:t2:

Why is this a question?

Do what the hell you want.

@Longbeard it’s because you’re getting him dressed up for the occasion. The idea being that the extra time, effort, financial investment and ceremony involved separate this from a regular wank.

@ste03 , do whatever you like, you’re not going to hurt the toy not using a condom, it just means a bit more clean up afterwards.

It’s totally dependent on how you feel, personally I like to just go raw and clean up after :crazy_face:

But posh wanks do feel different, it’s the feeling or the latex etc and how slippy they are. It’s almost like a super cheap masturbator. When I was younger I guess it was the excitement of wearing one would be like having sex, now I’m older I tend to sit on the side of the bath when it’s empty and jerk into it. It’s easy to clean up and I tend to shower after anyways.

I enjoy playing with condoms whilst using my toys but normally end up taking it off when I orgasm. Do whatever you feel comfortable in doing. Yeah some are annoying to clean but feel better without.

I always found they never felt right if trying to use a condom with them, and hey. It’s your toy! Fill it up with lube and jizz and wash out for later. It’s fine!

I’d never heard of the term ‘posh wank’. Can’t say it’s been anything frequent in my life. Sounds kinda fun, but also a waste of a condom. :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Mind you, OH and I don’t really use condoms at all … and I love the unobstructed feel of her hand on me.

Hi @ste03

Condoms are typically pre-coated with silicone based lubricant, which will damage the soft materials such as TPE in fleshlight or similar toys.

If you wish to use a condom it’s best to buy non-lubricated ones and coat them generously inside & out with water-based lubes.

From experience, it’s also best to avoid hybrid lubes like Liquid Silk, as they also contain silicone (typically dimethicone). Same goes for some bathroom products like shampoos and conditioners.

Basically avoid any hint of silicone oil if you want your strokers to have a long life

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I’d say better without condom but the clean up is easier I guess if you do wear one as well as longevity of the product. Either way make sure you clean the product thoroughly.