Should Lovehoney host a swinging sex toy night?

I think love honey should host a sex club/swinging night with a shit load of toys. Pay a decent fee to get in and away you go. Swap, exchange and test toys on each other?


Can’t say the idea of sharing sex toys with a bunch of strangers appeals I’m afraid but everyone has their own risk profile


Hmm, nice idea, but I think it would be a total nightmare from a legal/PR/Insurance/Health and Safety point of view.

Perhaps a bring or buy, with live demonstrations. Possible separate rooms to use at your own risk.


Sounds a terrible idea.
We have anonomus profiles for a reason, sharing toys etc with strangers isnt up there with my “things to do before death”


:rofl::rofl: this is one of those thoughts that should just stay in your head.


Sorry to be a bored here but 1 i care about my health 2 i dont share my toys with anyone & 3 have you been to a swingers party/club believe me when i say no toys are needed. But good luck.


id agree witth @JoCat, definitely a random floating thought not to post :rofl:


You can just imagine how the conversation goes

Friend; What did you get for Christmas this year.

Me; I got an STI this year.
Share the toys they said, it’ll be fun they said.

Yeah I think I’ll stick with my anonymous profile :joy:

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Hahahaha !!! Same here :point_up_2: I’ll keep my profile anonymous and my toys for my own use :joy:


That sounds like a lot of fun. I vote you do it just make sure you have one in Australia where I live please

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Someone might enjoy it but I’m good on that one :laughing:
I would enjoy a toy expo though and getting to meet the masterminds behind LoveHoney and some of these brands and lingerie. It would be like a comic con but for sex toy nerds. I could see where some could even find that weird though.

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No that sounds like a bad idea for health and legal reasons.

Like everyone else, I would rather not share toys or my wife. Down to personal preference, but not for me, so will pass on that party.

Only if there’s a dildo willy wang competition to see who can fling their dildo closest to the target :dart: