Sleeping orgasm

My wife orgasmed in her sleep last night. The sounds and muscle contractions were unmistakable. She didn’t wake up and remembers nothing about it this morning. Is this unusual or relatively common?

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I occasionally have this, but I always remember it and can tell from my body feeling that I’ve recently orgasmed. Maybe she was just in a deep enough sleep that it didn’t phase her!

Sweet dreams darling… :slight_smile:

Guess it’s like when guys have wet dreams :sweat_drops:

I have orgasms while sleeping about once a fortnight, and they are an absolute delight! Usually having my way with somebody completely inappropriate, but all is good in the safety of the dream world. OH has never asked/commented but it’s started some early morning grinding. Such an opportunist…

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I don’t think I have at all but my husband does have wet dreams now and again so I’m sure it is possible for women also.

I’ve never known my wife to have one but if you discover the secret, be sure to share it won’t you? :pray:t3:


Yes I have. Not often, but I do remember them… Usually the same person in the dream.

It’s happened to me before also, I have vivid dreams!

Vivid dreams! You may have hit the nail on the head there. She has Parkinsons Disease and one of the documented side effects of the Madopar drug she takes is vivid dreams.

Ah yes drugs can alter the state of mind

Ahh the Snorgasm. Yes, I can confirm it is a real thing - atleast that’s what I call it :smile:

It only happens for me maybe once a month or less, but unlike my other dreams, I can vividly remember every detail . Strange.

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Me too! This has only happened to me three times though… Each time, I was having a super erotic dream, and I woke up during the orgasm twice and right after once, and they were good orgasms… I was pulsing for a while afterwards… I can’t remember the dreams now because it’s been a while, but in the days after, I remembered the dreams really clearly and used my imagination to expand on them during my solo playtime :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I don’t know what brings them on… I wish I could will them to happen :pensive: I’ve had some erotic lucid dreams, but since I was kinda awake/aware of my dream, I couldn’t orgasm without touching myself :point_down:

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I think if I eat cheese before bed, it massively increases the chances of a Snorgasm - atleast that’s what I tell myself :joy::cheese:


:joy: :ok_hand:

(if only it were that easy :see_no_evil:)

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Where’s the Crackers!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy::joy::joy::joy: