I wonder if anyone can help me? I have very small breasts. I have tried padded bras but they always look fake on me. Any suggestions?
Maybe just embrace them for what they are? Small ones are just as lovely as big ones.
Your framing this all wrong
Small breasts are soooooo sexy, and are so femanine
When I met my wife, it was one of the first things that attracted me to her
It’s all in the eye of the beholder, just the same as other characteristics
Celebrate it, don’t deny it
Small femanine breasts with little teddy bears noses nipples, makes my dick twitch just thinking about it!!
Sweetheart you don’t need bigger boobs, you need body confidence.
There was a time of day that I was just like you: barely able to fill an A cup bra, struggling to buy bras, underwhelmed and lacking in body confidence. I looked at the likes of Jordan and Pamela Anderson and I was jealous. If I just had bigger boobs, I told myself, I’d have a boyfriend.
Guys started noticing me anyway, without the bigger boobs. They didn’t notice me because of my boobs, they noticed me because of the way I am - playful and engaging. When they did notice my boobs, they loved how perky and responsive they are, because they are - you know it, you can’t change your t-shirt without them waking up and being ready to party!
There are so many perks to smaller boobs, like being able to go braless (that’s pretty badass in the eyes of our bigger boobed sisters, who kind of depend on fhem!) and boobs that are auper responsive during sex. I’ve been fetishized for my smaller boobs before and it was quite empowering when they were an insecurity for me too at one time. Rock your smaller boobs, because YOU rock!
@MrGoodGuy I sincerely apologise for any unintended suffering I may have caused there
Everything above reiterated again, small breaths are amazing and I hope we can help you reach a point you are confident enough to realise it too.
Embrace what you have, small, big, boobs are individual and fantastic.
Definitely agree with the other posters
I’ve always loved petite women and small breasts
You should know without making you feel conscious of your body that it’s quite a fetish thing for guys
Wear bras which are giving you cover but don’t necessarily need to be padded
An open neck blouse is very alluring to lovers of small breasts
Don’t try to camouflage how you really are
My wife’s often joked that my boobs are bigger than hers
I’m a 36B and she’s probably been smaller until she got to menopause
Honestly, embrace your body as is. Instead of trying to make them different, take advantage of what they allow. Look at Kira Knightly, Julianne Moore, and others. Plunging necklines, comfy cammis and delicate lace are all possible. And LOTS of men not only like small boobs, they prefer them (raises hand).
I must agree with many other posts, small is very very good. My wife was 34A when we met and she always said and most of it is round the back. She was and still is stunning. Try not to get hung up on size. Love your body.
Small, medium, huge, firm, floppy as long as they are real i love them all, as do most blokes! The sexiest thing you can wear is confidence.
100% doesn’t matter! Can dress sexy and have fun with any size.
Am sure attitude and openness to trying new things (on here so must be!) is key.
Breasts are like being in a candy shop for blokes, we’re really not that fussed as long as we have a mouth and hands full of that delicious candy.
We know many women who have enlargements, and can sympathize with you.
And it’s about your view and confidence about yourself too
We’ve seen shit tonnes of small breasts in naturist areas, and zero people look.
As I said earlier, I cudn get enough of my wife’s AA boobs, they were so petite and femanine and attractive.
Most supermodels have small breasts and look how good they can look - as long as they’re not stick insects, but you get the point I’m sure.
All of the above, but also you could do some chest exercises and build your pecs which would increase the size if thats what you’re wanting.
I’ve never needed them, personally. I’m a seasoned sea angler, I do all of my own DIY and the lion’s share of the housework. Press ups? What’s that?
Definitely embrace with what you have but totally understand wanting bigger for confidence etc… Personally I have always liked smaller ones over big knockers lol
Embrace your small breast they are beautiful. Nice and perky
Have you considered a sports bra or them pushup type ones what give more cleavage?
Yeah I’ve tried those things but was wondering if there was a more natural type of bra.
Dare I say hands of course I do.
I have a friend that is smaller breasted and doesn’t use a bra but doesn’t want to show her erect nipples when excited. She therefore uses an everyday cover for them and goes bra free.
I’ve never seen a bad boob. I’ve had from a cup to dd cup through out my life. I really can’t say one was better than the other. Embrace what the man upstairs gave you.