So someones been trying to tell me my life sucks?

Good Afternoon all, im going to guess that the usual suspects shall be reading this,

so hello Ork, GG,LL,HI,HE,PPD,SK and anyone else who is here

So yesterday i got a LOVLY message on my blog telling me... well actually il paste it here...

"I feel sorry for your new "GF" she has no idea what shes getting into, just last week you were saying you love someone else, now you love this one, I think you need to sort your life out, buying dildos and stuff, wtf is your problem..."

Now this doesnt bother me in the slightlest, i dont care what a random person who is hiding their identity thinks of my life cause well, i enjoy my life :D. so i proceded to tell them this... to which i get this as a reply

"still using the don't give a fuck glass, i see you havent really grown up from xbox, you should really sort your life out before you ruin a girls one, god help her really, and why buy dildos, have you not get anything better to spend your money on, like therapy? and im not hiding in the shadows, i thought you'd remember me from secondary school *****."

ive stared out the last word cose it was my second name, sorry guys dont want any more stalkers.

Again this doesnt bother me that much, clearly this person cant have a good life of their own if they gotta bitch to me about mine.

Just wanted to post this stuff on here so that i have a nice wee place to rant about it with people :D

also if you want to know my blog its linked in my profile x

What a sad person, nowt better to do then have a go at you-how pathetic

Maybe you should grow up and suck my 8inch dildo

Steve i fucking love you

Ye Gods, you have a girlfriend and you're attending university. Something obviously went HORRIBLY wrong somewhere, you poor little lamb.

Just ignore 'em.

Clearly they've just got too much time on there hands & ought to re-assess their own life if they think sending such idiocy is productive. Just ignore em sweetie. If you're happy with your life that's all that matters :]

To quote one of my favourite authors, Chuck Palanuick:

That's the best revenge of all: happiness. Nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone have a fucking good life.

We love ya Steve & we're more important than any trolls :P

Just ignore them Stevey, what made me laugh the most is "im not hiding in the shadows" because they have remained anonymous!! What the hell!? Whoever this person is they must have no life if all they do is abuse people anonymously over the web. Any kind of bullying is despicable and we at LH won't stand for it!

This type of writing is called "poison-pen writing" because the person is too cowardly to sign their own name but is callous enough to write disgusting things about someone they don't even know. They have taken you at face value and don't even know the real you - and as for the girlfriend bit, you don't have to have even meet someone for them to be your girlfriend - I am proof of this ;)

We're all here for you Stevey, chin up darling xxxxx

PS Well done for telling them what's what. Ignore them now though, they're trying to get a raise out of you and every reply you send will please them more because they can carry on replying too. Ignore whoever it is, the slimy rat's ar*e!

HappilyExperimenting wrote:

you don't have to have even meet someone for them to be your girlfriend - I am proof of this ;)

I thought we weren't telling people about our relationship yet?

luckylesbo wrote:

HappilyExperimenting wrote:

you don't have to have even meet someone for them to be your girlfriend - I am proof of this ;)

I thought we weren't telling people about our relationship yet?

Ah, why not? :P Steve can't keep quiet about his lol x

HappilyExperimenting wrote:

luckylesbo wrote:

HappilyExperimenting wrote:

you don't have to have even meet someone for them to be your girlfriend - I am proof of this ;)

I thought we weren't telling people about our relationship yet?

Ah, why not? :P Steve can't keep quiet about his lol x

you know i would shout my love for you from the rooftops ........ or the forum equivalent of a rooftop

oh hun, ignore the fuckwit xxxxxxx

Aww LL you do make me smile :) I love this forum as it cheers me up within minutes! (As do you :P)

And Steve I hope you're doing as Kohaku says - and as sub-kitten has pointed out, nothing infuriates your enemies more than if you're having a good life. I'm willing to bet whoever's picking on you is sexually frustrated, hahaaha! XD

god help her really, and why buy dildos, have you not get anything better to spend your money on.....

Meanwhile Steve and his very happy girlfriend have a huge smile on their face and this poisoned coward is still shaking his venom at his PC Screen. Steve I would recommend you buy your stalker a dildo....he/she obv needs chilling out.....unfortunately the coward wont tell you who he/she lol.

Steve I dont know you very well at all, only from reading a few posts on the forums and when I joined here you were kind enough to welcome me, All I have ever seen you be is a nice kind considerate person, always willing to make someone feel better. I think this person is probably just jealous that you have so many friends, a girlfriend, enough money to buy dildo's lol.....oh dear thats the best arguement they could come up with....HOW DARE YOUUU BUY DILDOS! This just proves whoever it is, is totally clutching at straws!

Dont let em get to you Steve, some people are so miserable they dont like to see anyone else happy!

thanks all <3

as i said it doesnt bother me what they say. they trying makin it sound like its someone i went to school with but it so isnt, NO ONE at my school would say "secondary school" if they were from my school they would know who the girl ive been in love with for like 6 years was called as it was like public knowledge

Hardly anyone knew about my blog other than my ex and her bf... so yeah not fussed about some slags opinion of my life :D i love my life!

Clearly he has got nothing better to do than have a go at you, clearly very jesolous because he probably wants to either be you or jesouls because he's not even got the balls to stick a dildo up his arse . Sad sad boy and what anyone does on there on time where sex is concern is your choice each to their own , clearly he doesn't have a brain or even a brain cell to comperhend that & and has got nothing better than to have a go ingore the fuckwhit he probably got no cock !

KinkyFuckery wrote:

he's not even got the balls to stick a dildo up his arse .


there is always someone out there wanting to mess up other peoples lifes just because they are jealous.

at least once a year my partners ex trys to split us up yet she is engaged with 3 kids, she still just cant get over the fact that my OH is happy with someone other than her. Its childish and pafetic. But as most people are saying on here the best thing to do is ignore them, its all jealousy that they dont have the friends, partner or money that you do, because their life just isnt as good as yours and that your doing far better than them.

Good for you for not bothering about them, keep that head held high and just keep on going when people like that try to get in your way of happyness.

What an utter bell-end. We all think you're awsome.

Keep smiling!

Brush it off, internet trolls deserve nothing. And that person seems like a cowardly bully.

Seems like you have a nice network of support and that's all you need, really. =)

Sounds like an arse wipe to me Steve. Sad git. He obviously has the problem, not you ;o) x

dafuq is wrong with some people 0.o
glad you told them to do one. Like theyre still stalking you since secondary school just to put someone down who they think will care. End of the day this person has some seriously messed up problems. Maybe he should try a good dildo up the arse n calm himself down abit. Fuck him. Seriously he was obviously a bully then n nothings changed in his life. Just cause he cant grow up.

Glad youre strong enough not to let this get to you. Because this is the kind of thing that seriously pisses me off. Bullies are sick. This guy is obviously sick.
and you are not, least you have the capability to be a nice guy. Hes obviously gonna be stuck being the high school bully for the rest of his pathetic (hopefully short) life.

<3 x