Sorry for not being around

Era i know! I've been trying and failing to catch up with everyone when i get on i feel so shit haha!

I have had more tests done, hopefully i will get a cure soon!

im so sorry things are going badly for you right now, i really hope things improve this year.

Thank you Dali! For as long as im alive i will be ok :)

one day at a time. theres always hope, however faint it seems

Hello. I've not long joined LH so I've not met you before, but I am a Reiki (master) therapist and I'm sending you healing vibrations, love and light. I've never done it like this before, but the intention is there so I hope it may help. 🙏🏼.

Ele thank you! I certainly need them i was very sick this morning, my mum nearly took me to hospital....argh! I'm sure i will get though this. I just hate myself for not going years ago when this started and now its come to being this bad. I'm stuck in bed, can't work and generally just want the pain i'm feeling to stop.

At least i'm getting answers now to literally every single problem i've had with my body, it all seems to make sense now.

Once again thank you all for your advice, as im not doing much now i will be on here a little more hopefully when im not resting, im also trying to catch up on reviews. I have good days and bad days, some i cant get out of bed and literally have to have help just to sit myself up to eat and other days i feel ok... trial and error until the docs have finished with their scans and treatment unfortunatly

Aww no Fantasia Fairy, sounds like you've been going through the ringer... 😰

Hope you get some answers soon from the Docs, and your tests. Fingers crossed its treatable, and you'll be able to get your life back on track. Thinking of you, and hugs xxx

Well usually things like this.... i could possibly loose my hair (which would be more heartbreaking than anything) and i could also possibly be stuck in hospital have needles stuck literally everywhere and having shunts....

HOWEVER the doctor has said that no matter what it is all of the conditions are basically treatable. Theres a 0.1% chance that they wont be able to do anything. But if i refuse treatment then its more like 94% chance because alot of them can be fatal if left (that was i think a scare tactic because i was listing off so many things i wouldnt let them do to me)

I still took out a life insurance though to make sure my family is safe and got my will written up (ok that was when they thought it could only be something very serious) but i;m getting good out of this situation i really am realising how SHORT life is and how a split second can change your life/ make you cease to exist.

But on the note of closing this post... Men, Ladies and everyone in between... If your not well PLEASE go see a doctor at the start and if you find any lumps/bumps/dents... anything. GO GET IT CHECKED!!! I can't stress that more. I'm going though hell on earth right now and have days where im so sick i cant even look after myself. It would break my heart to hear that any of you are going though that. I adore you all too much... PLEASE