Having watched porn where they squirt so easily and look at many threads on how to find different ways, do others find it easy???
I've tried many times and ways only for my OH to stop saying she's going pee herself, I'm guessing she is either on the verge of squirting and feels too embarrassed to fully let go or I am making her want to pee. Otherwise she has strong multiple orgasms either through sex or foreplay any thoughts or tips. It has always been a fantasy of mine.
I wanted to have a go at " squirting" after a friend of mine said how easy it was!!.
So as your about to CUM ypu push as hard as possible, like if u were to have a pee....I did this twice in one night and my fella loved it, I made sure my bladder was pretty much empty!.
In honesty, the next few times were great, no accidents but there has been once occasion where I hadn't emptied my bladder and a little wee did end up in his face 🙈!!
I would say lot of women do not find it easy, I personally never managed to do it, although I enjoy my orgasms a lot. On the other hand, I find squirting in real life too messy and not really worth the bother for me. After my orgasms, I do not have to go and change the sheets or anything. Or face wet bed etc.
Haha I'm sure he enjoyed it all the same. Thanks for your tips perhaps some dutch courage next time might help her loose some inhibitions
Squirting is awesome! It happened once to me when I was younger and I was in such shock because there was so much. It's true, squirting can cause a lot of mess. Even with a towel down, I've managed to soak through it on a number of occasions. Usually after I orgasm, if I continue using my toys that's when I usually squirt and it's like a super super intense orgasm. There's only certain toys (shape and girth) that can get me to squirt.
I think most women can, it's just the fear of the feeling that comes with it that stops it!
Playing on my own I squirt easily but I'm not so sure I would find it easy with a partner to start with. It is a lovely feeling but I agree the mess can be inconvenient, I regularly soak through a thick towel, folded a couple times!
Playing on my own I squirt easily but I'm not so sure I would find it easy with a partner to start with. It is a lovely feeling but I agree the mess can be inconvenient, I regularly soak through a thick towel, folded a couple times!
I can remember watching older TV shows that addressed female ejaculation, like, 'Sex and the City' and 'The L Word'... (wasn't that scene so cute when Dana had squirted and was embarrassed cause she thought she'd pee'd!?) then reading about female ejaculation in Cosmo - back in the 80's when Cosmo was a good read lol... back then it was always talked about how difficult it was, and how rare it was, for women to 'squirt'. (and how few could actually do it!)
Nowadays it seems almost every girl can do it easily and it's something we should all strive for! Sex isn't a competition - Mr. Spider is a huge porno fan... talk about sexual Olympics lol!!! And in all honesty, in my many years of experience...sex is rarely like porn...watched one with him the other day with girls squirting and I had to laugh...one clip was so obviously edited...the girl was squirting every minute almost to order...it really looked like she had filled herself with water and was just pushing it out for the camera!!
I have and can squirt - I need to be very relaxed, and lots of attention down there...and I mean LOTS... I need to have a clit come first, then continue massaging quite firmly, with fingers or a good G-Spot vibe/dildo.... once you hit the right spot she'll know...and needs to let you know so you keep the pressure on the right place.
It does feel kind of, vaguely, like the need to pee, but not urgently pee...just that first vague feeling that you're gonna need to empty your bladder soon. I find that sensation goes away after a few minutes, to be replaced by a big feeling of pressure building up inside my whole body, and my vag muscles tighten to really quite a tight squeeze around whatever is inside me, the pressure thing builds and builds - like an erupting volcano I think lol...Then I usually gush quite a lot. It is a rareity if I'm completely honest... I often have small squirts...maybe one or two small pumps of liquid, that don't even build to enough pressure to leave my vag in nothing but a slow trickle.
Keep playing and experimenting - I'm sure she will get there in the end. But as long as she is happy with her orgasms - it don't really matter if she can't reach full squirt - those orgasms for me aren't nearly s intense as just a g-spot come without the squirt!
here's a few toys I highly recomend to help with squirting - the Tracey Cox glass duo I find the best...the pink one https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=17187
then this one - its a cheapy...but I find it awesome! https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=36310
This is good too - but a bit on the large side https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=36985
And these are is amazballs!! https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=39180
Thanks lady spider for the in depth reply. The toys you recommended look fab if not a little on the expensive side for some of them. I've ordered a g-spot vibe which I hope comes today and keen to give it a try. I won't be disappointed if my OH never gushes she has very strong MO most of the time anyway and very happy in that respect its always been a fantasy I've had, its probably the same for OH to put a finger up my bum while masturbating me to hit my g-spot I guess its like hidden taboo and feels a bit naughty but very nice.
But like you say take it slowly(pardon the pun) enjoy the practice and if it happens great
Can't help but, with regard to making a mess on the sheets, disposable baby changing mats, are large, cheap, waterproof on the base, soak up any liquids, soft, use, wipe anything up and dispose? Own brand cheapest usually.
Hey Mbstaffs.
Sorry for the last essay lol - hope it helped a bit. I dunno if female G-spot toys work well for guys - have you looked at Prostrate massagers for yourself? They look fun (and I'm sure could be used on the Mrs as a G-spot toy) but Mr. Spider won't let anything near his bum... crazy as he loves bum fun with me receiving!
I have found the more expensive toys better tbh (and I really have a HUGE collection lol) - especially USB chargeable - you save a fortune on batteries! The build is better too... I honestly find saving for an expensive toy is worth it - and they are often found on deal of the day too. Also keep your eye on the offers and sale events... I bought loads in the Black Friday sale! The 20% off 2 vibes is a good saving too. I'm honestly a sucker when it comes to offers lol. Poor Mr.Spider innit! xx
Its OK LS I don't mind long replies at all.
The rechargeable toys do look good not only for batteries but its the fiddly connectors inside that break off, but yes price is steep will need to put some on a tester wish list lol.
I know what you mean about men's bottoms I think we treat it like a sacred shrine and to have anything near it or up it is wrong and probably comes down to how secure you feel about your own sexuality. I don't mind trying if its done slowly but then why do we get so much enjoyment from thrusting our knobs up our wife's / partners bums and expect them to like it. what's good for the goose is good for the gander as they say
I've got to say that many of your posts make me feel so damn horny!! (hope I'm within the rules to say that)AmyA wrote:
Playing on my own I squirt easily but I'm not so sure I would find it easy with a partner to start with. It is a lovely feeling but I agree the mess can be inconvenient, I regularly soak through a thick towel, folded a couple times!
Michael777 wrote:
I've got to say that many of your posts make me feel so damn horny!! (hope I'm within the rules to say that)AmyA wrote:
Playing on my own I squirt easily but I'm not so sure I would find it easy with a partner to start with. It is a lovely feeling but I agree the mess can be inconvenient, I regularly soak through a thick towel, folded a couple times!
😂 I don't mind hearing that! I must admit my filter in what I say is starting to slip a little in real life leading to some slightly shocked expressions, especially as i've always had a cheeky liking for surprising people.
I find it easy to.squirt on hubbies face of course he loves it!! We get about 3 towels soaked!! I find it harder to squirt during sex or any other foreplay but playing myself with a wand I can squirt all over too!! I Love it!! Only started being able to do it this year at 31...has been a good year 👍
*edited*(Sorry moderators if I'm sailing close to the wind with this post but it had to be said!!)AmyA wrote:
Michael777 wrote:
I've got to say that many of your posts make me feel so damn horny!! (hope I'm within the rules to say that)AmyA wrote:
Playing on my own I squirt easily but I'm not so sure I would find it easy with a partner to start with. It is a lovely feeling but I agree the mess can be inconvenient, I regularly soak through a thick towel, folded a couple times!
😂 I don't mind hearing that! I must admit my filter in what I say is starting to slip a little in real life leading to some slightly shocked expressions, especially as i've always had a cheeky liking for surprising people.
Mbstaffs wrote:
I've ordered a g-spot vibe which I hope comes today and keen to give it a try.
I'm sure you won't regret buying this - let us know how you both get on with it....hope you have a good stock of lube in 
1st time last night getting my wife to squirt using a love honey magic wand. Shame i was not in her at the time but maybe next time
I only learnt I could squirt a few months ago after getting the Lovehoney Mini Rechargable Wand Vibrator. My partner was holding it against my clit, I knew I was going to cum but it was so stong and almost too much to bare and suddenly it felt like I was peeing everywhere but we both knew what had actually just happened! It was amazing and I often do it now with the same toy or the Lovehoney Deluxe Mains Wand. I only find it odd because I can't cum or squirt from internal / g-spot stimulation but I know this is the case for some women.
So I guess I'd suggest if the g-spot method doesn't work, maybe try a very powerful vibe on the clit, but overall I think the key is just to be relaxed enough to let it happen 
We have tried and tried in the past to get a squirting experience but no luck. Reading all the advice here we decided to give it a go last night and had a bit of success. Enough to have to change the bottom sheet. Thanks for the wonderful advice and encouragement our LH friends provide. 😀