Squirting/Orgasm - Are they the same?

Gosig wrote:

Lovehoney - Jess Wilde wrote:


Squirting is an involuntary physical response to intense stimulation, and is the result of a sudden relaxation a certain sphincter, which allows a release of fluid which passes through the bladder. The fluid is usually clear, watery and odourless and can be released at the point of orgasm, or without orgasm at all.

Female ejaculation is the release of fluid from the skenes gland. It's usually thicker, has a whitish colour and is released at the point of climax. Sometimes it's almost undetectable as it can be a small amount and often remains inside the vagina.

Sometimes the liquid released during squirting contains female ejaculate - this is when the person has orgasmed at the same time.

However, a lot of the time, the fluid released during squirting contains no female ejaculate.

This is why a lot of people report squirting feeling less intense than a 'squirtless' orgasm, because quite often, they haven't actually come.

See now, this has totally blown my mind. I had a small amount of white thicker liquid in some squirt and I honestly thought there was something wrong with me. It would seem quite the opposite.

And, when I play with rabbit toys, after a clitoral orgasm there is often a patch of the same thicker white liquid on the same place on the shaft each time. So, this is just ejaculate? I always wondered what the hell was going on as these were always just clitoral orgasms.

I am so embarrassed that I get to my late thirties and still quite clearly have absolutely no idea what my own body is doing! 🤷‍♀️

Gosig - please never be embarrassed about something you don't know, particularly when it comes to sex and body stuff. None of us are taught proper sex education in this country (or many others!) so it's understandable that a lot of people don't have this info. I still learn something new most days, and I work in the sex industry!

For reference: if the milky fluid is white, odourless and only present during/after masturbation, it is totally normal and healthy. You'll usually release more at the point of climax.

If you begin to notice a darker white/yellow/green fluid which is present at other times or it has a smell, that's when to pop to your GP or gynecologist, as it could be a sign of thrush or BV (which most of us with a vulva will experience at SOME point in our lives)

MrsJames7986 wrote:

Thank you for your replies. Im in my early 30s, partner late 30s n he doesn't quite understand that I don't no half the stuff that a woman should know about her body but when you don't explore yourself (not everyone does yet he thinks they do) I suppose you won't. I didn't even know I could or what squirting was until he made me (he thinks I'm fibbing) N it's not all of the time either. If I don't he doesn't think I'm satisfied but I am. I now try n make sure I drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to make sure I can

Hey MrsJames7986

Maybe show your partner this thread? He'll quickly see that you're not alone in not knowing everything about your body (I'd be surprised if he knows everything about his!)

To add: squirting is still a bit of a mystery to medical professionals! What I've written here is what we know SO FAR. If even doctors and scientists are still scratching their heads, how does your partner suppose you know it all? (If you do... Could you tell us?! 😂)

I've just recorded a new video on this exact subject so I'll post a link to it in this thread on Friday for you and your partner to watch together.

Also, as I said above, squirting can happen with or without climax. PLEASE point him to this. Just because someone has squirted doesn't mean they're finished. And just because someone hasn't squirted doesn't mean they haven't climaxed. In fact, continuing to stimulate trying to force someone to squirt can become very uncfomortable... not to mention, the pressure for you TO squirt, will actually REDUCE your chances of squirting.

It makes me really sad to think you feel such pressure to do something that's involuntary, and that your partner thinks you'd lie to him about this?!

Alovedhoney wrote:

I’ve only been able to make myself squirt and I’m gutted cause I was so drunk (hardly remember) and woke up to a wet sofa lol 😂

Ah - sounds like the booze relaxed your mind and muscles!

If you want to try again, the best combo is firm stimulation and a relaxed mind and body 👍

MrsG. wrote:

I've never squirted wish I could as think the OH would love to see me do this. I have experienced the thicker white fluid after coming but its such a small amount and it doesn't squirt out.

Hey MrsG.

Although squirting can look pretty impressive, the thing to remember is that female ejaculate (the white fluid) is a sign of orgasm, whereas squirting is not.

A lot of male partners / people with a penis put so much attention on squirting, thinking that that's a sign they've given their partner the best pleasure, when in actual fact they're focussing on completety the wrong fluid.

Squirting simply means they stimulated you firmly, and that you felt relaxed.

It's the WHITE stuff that they should be looking out for: THAT means they got you off!


I'm so pleased this thread has been helpful!

I just wanted to reiterate to all of you, as there have been a few comments about being worried about the white fluid:

If you ever notice your body (sex organs or otherwise) doing something unusual, producing a fluid you don't recognise, showing a change in colour/texture, or simply doing something that makes you go "wtf?" please visit your GP.

NO question is stupid, NO question hasn't been heard before, and it's always best to be SURE that everything is a-ok.

This goes for all of you, no matter which bits you have in your undies.


Blooming legend Jess. Your advise as always amazing. When's the book coming out? (I presume you must have had the idea to write one with all this amazing insight)

Thanks Jess, that is all super-helpful.

Ive always felt far more clued up on thrush, UTIs and what-not, you know, all the stuff that goes wrong, whereas largely in the dark about all the stuff that can go right, if that makes sense.

Deserves to be read by a much wider audience. 👏👏👏👏

Gosig wrote:

Thanks Jess, that is all super-helpful.

Ive always felt far more clued up on thrush, UTIs and what-not, you know, all the stuff that goes wrong, whereas largely in the dark about all the stuff that can go right, if that makes sense.

Deserves to be read by a much wider audience. 👏👏👏👏


You're definitley not alone in this. I say the above semi-light-heartedly, but in truth, there has always been more emphasis on what can go 'wrong' with a vagina, and a shame around exploring sexuality, rather than the potential pleasure we can achieve (which, when you consider, we're the only beings on the planet with an organ designed ONLY for climax, is totally ridiculous!)

Whereas those folks with a penis are generally encouraged to explore their sexuality from a young age.

Anyway - I don't want to start a gender and society debate - but just know you're not alone. This is the same story for so many of us with 'innies'.

K&c30's wrote:

Blooming legend Jess. Your advise as always amazing. When's the book coming out? (I presume you must have had the idea to write one with all this amazing insight)

😂 I do keep thinking about writing a book, you know....

Thank you so much Jess Wilde for all this information and explaining it all, you have definitely educated me on this. So I've actually done better then a squirt. X

If anyone wishes to squirt I know my wife has superb success with the Womanizer range. We had the Pro40 but after years of abuse need replacement. I've just sent through a review of our replacement -


It's an absolute dream toy and she has squirted every time and on the last two times has squirted more than once in the same session. No guarantees but I do believe others have had success with them.

Nope..two totally different things x

Hey everyone!

As promised, here is a link to last weeks YouTube blog, which contains my video explaining what squirting is.

This Friday's video will be 'how to squirt', for anyone who's interested in giving it a try.

Great video. The double thumbs up and "ding ding ding" really made me laugh ( I can't see thumbs it's now with out relating it to the Inbetweeners and thumbs up friends).

This thread and video are fabulous. As somebody who has only just got relaxed enough to start squirting, there is still much for me to learn. Thank you Jess

Hi Jess, thanks so much for this information. I’ve been reading a few of the threads about squirting, and was totally oblivious to what it was. You have explained it brilliantly 👍

Ah that's great - thanks everyone. It's always nice to know you find these topics helpful :)

Noticed at the weekend Part 2 of the squirting vlog by Jess on how to squirt is now on the blog https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/blog/2019/03/02/youtube-lovehoney-vlog-how-to-squirt/

And here are those vlogs in full now we have a swish new forum. :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks again @Lovehoney_Jess_Wilde. :+1:


great information Jess thanks

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