Stimulating gels/balms/oils

Hi you lovely lot!

Since the birth of our son my partner and I have been using condoms, we particularly like the sensations from the durex intense which are coated in Durex Disirex said to provide cooling, tingling and warming all in one. For me it definitely felt like a cooling tingle.

I've now had a coil fitted so we won't be needing condoms anymore but we'd still like the added sensation sometimes. We tried the durex intense gel and strangely it wasn't the same at all, at least not for us anyway!

So my question is which one is your fave? I'm considering the Tracey Cox supersex orgasm gel at the moment, mainly because it comes in a much bigger bottle than the LH one and has a lot more reviews. I thought I'd ask people's opinions first though!


Lovehoney Balm in the heart shaped tin is great, the cherry flavour is also nice when giving oral.

Would also love to now more about enhancing balms or oil! Have been debating giving them a go together for a while. Glad to hear to stay clear of the durex one because that was the one we was leaning towards !

@WillC thanks, I might give that one a whirl too!

@JustSomeFun well it might work for you. I was just disappointed with it in comparison to the condoms. It was a bit of a strange experience to be honest. At first it felt nice, then it was almost as if I'd gone numb, then bang orgasm! I didn't enjoy it, the build up was kind of missing if that makes sense?

We have tried so many "enhancers" from oils/drops/balms/durex lines. The winner for us is the Lovehoney cherry bombshell balm. It smells great, not a bad taste if you like a bit of oral at some point and has the biggest reaction when applied. What I would say though with any balm is that it takes a few minutes for the effects to be felt so if you are getting dressed up pop it on before you get dressed. You will feel it warming/tingling up by the time it's action time. For added sensation if you have a partner get them to gently blow on the where you have applied it.

K&c30's wrote:

We have tried so many "enhancers" from oils/drops/balms/durex lines. The winner for us is the Lovehoney cherry bombshell balm. It smells great, not a bad taste if you like a bit of oral at some point and has the biggest reaction when applied. What I would say though with any balm is that it takes a few minutes for the effects to be felt so if you are getting dressed up pop it on before you get dressed. You will feel it warming/tingling up by the time it's action time. For added sensation if you have a partner get them to gently blow on the where you have applied it.

Would you say this is good for both women and men? I want to get something that's good for us noth

K&c30's wrote:

We have tried so many "enhancers" from oils/drops/balms/durex lines. The winner for us is the Lovehoney cherry bombshell balm. It smells great, not a bad taste if you like a bit of oral at some point and has the biggest reaction when applied. What I would say though with any balm is that it takes a few minutes for the effects to be felt so if you are getting dressed up pop it on before you get dressed. You will feel it warming/tingling up by the time it's action time. For added sensation if you have a partner get them to gently blow on the where you have applied it.

Would you say this is good for both women and men? I want to get something that's good for us noth For some reason it won't let me edit this. What I wanted to say was we are having a rare night away from the kids in July and I'd love to take a little bag of treats and pop this in. But I'd love something that gave us both a tingle and give us a good play...

@K&c30's Thanks. Considering you've tried so many I'm gonna go with the cherry one as it must be good! Plus a nice taste can never be a bad thing!

Forever his, yes it`s good for both! As a tingling balm, lubricant and tastes good when giving oral!

Forever his ♡ wrote:

K&c30's wrote:

We have tried so many "enhancers" from oils/drops/balms/durex lines. The winner for us is the Lovehoney cherry bombshell balm. It smells great, not a bad taste if you like a bit of oral at some point and has the biggest reaction when applied. What I would say though with any balm is that it takes a few minutes for the effects to be felt so if you are getting dressed up pop it on before you get dressed. You will feel it warming/tingling up by the time it's action time. For added sensation if you have a partner get them to gently blow on the where you have applied it.

Would you say this is good for both women and men? I want to get something that's good for us noth For some reason it won't let me edit this. What I wanted to say was we are having a rare night away from the kids in July and I'd love to take a little bag of treats and pop this in. But I'd love something that gave us both a tingle and give us a good play...
I would say that it certainly has an affect. I wasn't all that fussed if I am honest about the stimulation. That's not to say your partner wouldn't like it though. I could feel the tingle when applied to balls head and glans. It's in the 3 for £15 offer so I personally would take advantage of that rather than paying £9 just for the balm alone.

Amazing! I'll add it to my next order. Typically I ordered yesterday morning and didn't add it after much deliberation! I'm sure I'll order again soon enough though ;)