Strip tease

I’ve found some strip routines online that I like and are somewhat burlesque style too, so I’m kinda working on that. I’ve looked on porn sites and I think they’re great just not in what I’m trying to achieve for him.
So far from the chosen song, I’ve achieved a routine for roughly half of it. So hopefully by Friday I should have a full songs worth and will be prepared. Thanks for the response!


Awesome @Shannon41!
He’s a lucky guy! Sounds like he will have a fantastic time.
This is the kind of thing that makes marriages last forever! Good on you :wave: :ok_hand: :boom:


Right now , there are probably loads of fellas , and possibly a few women , thinking " lucky blighter" ( or someone similar) .
To echo what @JonnybGoode said , dont over think it . One of the things in life I have never understood is why so many women lack confidence. Sexy is not having perfect hair, body and skin , it is about confidence.
Be confident. He has been waiting years for this . When you do it , I guarantee 3 things
1 , He will love it
2 He will love you more than ever , and
3 the moment in his “bank” forever .
I won’t wish you luck, because you wont need it . Just enjoy it …he certainly will . Lucky blighter !!!


Aw thank you,
Thank you for the support/ advice. I’m really glad that I took the time to ask for help on here, it’s felt a lot less lonely and the responses have been way better than I could’ve imagined :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sounds like you’ve got this in the bag and will be rocking it come Friday! :partying_face:


@Shannon41 - why not make him go first? Get him to show you how it is done and then return the favor.

If I want oral from Mrs. Val, I definitely will go first. If I want some anal insertions, I definitely am the first one with my hand up. If I want a steak for dinner, I go get one and a bottle of wine and then cook it too. Sometimes its all about communication and the subtle kind work best. Sounds like he needs to show a little initiative.

Just my 2 cents! Good luck - you will do great…



Thank you, he’s done little ones for me before but more so messing around and I thought it was funny more than anything else, but my approach at this point is kinda go big or go home!

I just had a thought though, so I’m mostly prepared, I have made the time to do it, I’ve found my outfit, my song and routine is as good as it’ll get i think :sweat_smile: aside from curtains closed ( rather than shocking my neighbours :joy:) and setting him a chair up, is there anything else I can do to set the mood environment wise?


Here are some other song ideas:

Jermaine Stewart - We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off
Timmy Mallet version - Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie (Yellow Polka Dot Bikini)
Twenty One Pilots - Jumpsuit
Right Said Fred - I’m Too Sexy
Pinkfong - Baby Shark
Boots Randolph - Yakety Sax
The Beatles - Yellow Submarine
Scatman John - Scatman
Los Del Rio - The Macarena
Chumbawamba - Tubthumping
The Muppets - Mah Na Mah Na
Rednex - Cotten Eye Joe
Ylvis - **The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)
PSY - Gangnam Style
The Pokemon Theme
Oomp Loompa songs from the Willy Wonka Soundtrack
Anything by Weird Al

I’m sure you will find something suitable in that list.

Glad to have helped.


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You are an awesome human @Shannon41!

I think he is going to have a great time based on what you just said. In terms of setting up the mood, sounds like you are going to knock his socks off!

For me personally, the only things I would like to add into the mix (that would make me happy) are things like:

Shower - I love being fresh and clean before we play around
Blindfold - get a blindfold on to build some tension and suspense
Massage - quick neck and shoulder rub
Tease - feathers down the neck or something
Candles - we have amazing scented candles that I love, the make the air smell so nice and the lighting is great (electric tea lights too)

I think you have it nailed. Blindfolds and teasing really add to things like that for me, and make me feel electric, so I would love that as a starter before the strip!

But that’s just icing. Hope you have a brilliant adventure! He’s a lucky dude :slight_smile:


Thank you!

Shower is a must so I’ll make sure that’s out of the way.
Shoulder/ neck rub is definitely a good idea.

I might wait for him to finish showering, give him a blind folded massage and then Position him on the chair, remove blindfold and get to work.

Fridays a big day, wish me luck! :crossed_fingers::heart:


If I envisioned a strip tease from Mrs. Val I would definitely want to be blind folded in that chair @Shannon41 . The anticipation and the sounds and smells would be enhanced… It would take all the “humor” out of it for me and it would be all business once the blindfold would come off.

Rubbing against him and having more of a “lap dance” than a strip tease may help ease the shyness.

Having his hands tied and rubbing ALL your bits in his face will drive him crazy. You are still in control if you untie his hands… then get him to take out his dick and start jerking it for you. The situation gets pretty fluid from here as you could tease him with a little oral or get him to unlatch your bra but don’t let him take it off…slowly disrobe or have another item of sheer clothing over top to revel but not totally…

I think you can make this fun without it having to be a theatre performance. Make it sexy and get bossy about it. Your confidence will go further than you think.



So I did it! After all the nerves and anticipation,
I wish I could do it over again and go in with a little more confidence, but for the most part it went really well, he laughed initially but then his eyes kinda said it all, and he hasn’t stopped making comments so I guess it went down a treat!

Thank you for the advice everyone :heart:


I’m so happy you did it! Well done :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:
You can always do it again with a bit more confidence and surprise him :dancer:t2:

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@Shannon41 how did you do it? Stripteases are the sexiest!


We are overjoyed that you have clearly overcome a big hurdle for yourself and so happy that it was a success for YOU and your otherhalf.


I watched some YouTube videos about exactly this last night there’s some good tutorials on there take what you like and leave the rest.


Im sure if you did it again , he wouldn’t complain.
He is one lucky fella !!!


It went really well, I was so worried but I literally just had to take a breath and go for it. It was fun, so will be doing it again definitely, next time with less fear hopefully :crossed_fingers: After asking around friends, I’m surprised at how many have not done it or even thought about it

I’ve been spreading the word of striptease cheer :joy:


Thank you, only thing I did think was a little bit annoying, he told one of his friends I did it and that’s fine, but his friend said that he doesn’t see the appeal in strip tease ( each to their own I guess) but then my partner said ‘I don’t know it’s just funny isn’t it’

I didn’t question it but kinda thought, I hope I haven’t put myself out there like that for it to be funny :woman_shrugging:t3:


I can see why that would make you pause and think about that a bit, I would ask him about it so that it doesn’t fester and cause you to over think.
I imagine he told his friend as he was excited about what you did and wanted to show off a little. I’m betting his friends reaction wasn’t what he expected and rather than going ‘you’re crazy, it was such a turn on’, he wilted.

Its supposed to be fun and not funny, you know how he reacted when you did it, hold on to that. But I would definitely be having a word.