Suction toy

We’re looking to buy a suction toy and I just wondered whether you’d recommend we went for the Satisfier 2 or the LovehoneyXromp?


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If I was you I wouldn’t purchase the romp. Don’t get me wrong it’s an ok toy for your first time using a suction toy but it’s just not mind blowing.
It’s battery powered and goes through batteries like you wouldn’t believe, the suction isn’t that strong and it doesn’t come with different size heads.

I haven’t used a satisfier but I would recommend any of the womanizers. The more you spend you are going to get a better toy with more fuctions but you can’t go wrong with a cheaper one either.


I would recomend the rose as your first expo on suction toys! It’s not overly expensive has a decent size suction cup various colours and is rechargeable! As with them all in our expierience it takes a while to get used to them so patience is a virtue but so worth it :wink::sweat_drops:

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I’ve not used either to be able to recommend one over the other. My favourite suction toy is the Mon Ami suction vibrator.

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Interesting. My worry with that was that the head looked quite small so harder to keep in place

Maybe it’s worth the extra £10 though

I’ve never struggled to keep it in place but it’s not as small as you would think.

I also have the Womanizer Pro40 and the Starlet 2 and a version of the Rose. All of the heads are 0.5" wide except the Pro40 which is almost 0.75" wide.

I would recommend spending an extra £10 purely to get a rechargeable toy. Do a forum search for suction toys, you’ll find quite a few threads on them and there will be lots of varying opinions.

I think it really comes down to what kind of vibrations the vulva owner likes, buzzy or rumbly and if they like low or high power toys. Once you know that, then its easier to narrow down the right toy for them.

In hindsight we do struggle with battery powered toys and always find rechargable a bit more rumbly and less numbing so going for this - thanks!!

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Most descriptions state if they’re rumbly, or at least should state it in reviews that have a few paragraphs of detail.

Rumbles will be more noticeable in wands or bullets but I really enjoy them in the Mon Ami toy, its a good mix of power and starts off really low, but that is really good. I find that the lower they are, the more I feel the rumbles.

Another good option for a romp is this toy. I actually really loved it and for the price it’s not to far of the womanizer duo but that all depends if you want one with an arm