Suggestion - Use Oh! points as part payment

It would be really good if Oh! points could have a monetary value and be used as part payment towards goods from the site.

This comes up quite a lot. It's never going to happen as it will make returns too complicated is what the Lovehoney staff say :)

mmm, lots of other companies do it but I don't suppose they offer a years worth of return.

Logistical nightmare. You would be entering the realms of quantum mechanics to try and stay on top of all that.

What do companies like Tesco do when they give Clubcard points and people take goods back?

Lovehoney is not Tesco. Whilst they are a growing and profitable company - I think it's safe to say that they most likely will not have the massive technical team behind them to help deal with complex solutions like that.

Considering all the other perks that Lovehoney offer (free sex toys, 365 day returns, deal of the day/week and all the giveaways and review/model of the month)... The Oh! points scheme is just another little extra they provide that they don't have to - and it means you can get free stuff!

Yep, as the others have said, it would be a logistical nightmare for us to combine points with regular currency. It's already tricky enough working out what to do when someone returns one thing they've bought as part of a '3 for £25' offer, let alone if they paid £6 worth of that with points, and some on their bank card.

I'm not sure specifically what Tesco do in returns instances, but I believe they convert their points into monetary vouchers which is a completely different type of scheme. Our points work in exactly the same way as Boots Advantage Card points (and many other loyalty schemes), in that they work as separate currency and can be used directly to pay for an item. You don't need to claim a voucher first, but you also can't combine these points with 'normal' money.

Thanks for your suggestion though - we always welcome ideas to make our service better, so keep 'em coming!

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with all the wonderful stuff Lovehoney do for us.

I'll just have to keep saving. :-)

I'm not sure if Tesco take back any points you earn on the spend if you return the item. However if you use your voucher to partially pay for something and then take that back you only get the cash element ie you don't get back the monetary value of your voucher or the equivalent points recredited.

I think the OH points scheme is very fair and usually use my points for little treats.

Oh yeah it is fair, It was just an idea. :-)