Suspender Belts for men

Hi, I have a sneeky love of wearing tights & suspenders. I saw recently in the mens lingerie section that they are selling a belt for men. Anyone tried it, hows the fit?

Any recomendations or tips for buying womans ones, I tend to find they dont fit well or hold up stockings.


Not sure if this is allowed but have you tried ***EDITED BY MOD***? They make lingerie specifically for men! So ball room and all that!!

I think he was reffereing to getting the correct size, not the actual product.

You could try meassuring your waist then using a chart to match the size. Most sites have charts that aid in choosing your size. I am no expert on the measuring side and buying, there are people here who will be able to assist you better.

Try meassuring yourself then asking one of the ladie's what size they think would be appropriate for female belts, for the mens belt you could always ask LH I am sure could advice you.

The Red Hat can you please put a link up as I'm very interested. ![](upload://lJMrTcqgi5lI1FOpb07OYOcv2YF.gif)

As I am here I have taken the liberty of posting the link for you.

thanks for the replies, very helpful

DanceswithPenguins wrote:

As I am here I have taken the liberty of posting the link for you.

Thanks, Have I missread something I thought there was a suspenders belt?

Was it this one?

I don't know a huge amount about this, but getting the right size stockings can help take some of the pressure off the suspender clips, which stops them being tugged down so much. 👍 I've read on here that taller people have had more luck with the plus size stockings. Not sure if this is any use to you, but thought I'd throw it out there. 🙂

Lovehoney - Brenna wrote:

Was it this one?

Thanks it must be the one![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)![](upload://lJMrTcqgi5lI1FOpb07OYOcv2YF.gif)