Swapping roles after pegging

I love pegging and I find it very satisfying and loving and I enjoy role playing where I will spank my husband and then adorn my harness and dildo and peg him for some time

I don’t however after pegging get him to penetrate me - I notice in so many porn videos the.woman pegs the man and then he returns the favour weigh his penis into her mouth / anus or vagina

Can I ask fellow peggers (be it you receive or give) if after pegging you want more :lovehoney_heart:


I’m sort of on the brink of a relationship with a man who wants to be pegged but this is something i’m struggling with too - could I submit to someone I dominate, especially in the same session? I don’t think I could, I think I would feel cheated out of something - something psychological namely.

That makes me wonder if part of the reason it’s done in porn is to subliminally remind men that the man is charge and this is for his pleasure? That unfortunately wouldn’t surprise me.

I think it’s important to remember that porn is porn, it’s a scripted performance with very little feelings or emotion. You’re talking about real life here, and your thoughts and feelings are real and valid :blush:


For me it depends on my mood or if I’m using a vibrator during pegging. I find jerking him off empowering but piv exhausting post pegging so need to be in a really horny mood.

@Tenshadesandme - do you want to peg him or do you want to keep it simple where he penetrates you

For me I was never a fan of piv and so tried pegging and I love it as well as all the domination aspect

It’s a learning curve and takes time but if you want to be with this man it’s good to see he is open and honest about his desires- that’s rare

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@Tanya-Louise - nice to meet you - I find wanking him off also empowering but I rarely do it

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I’ve never pegged anyone before (hubby is flatly against it) buf as you say life is a learning curve and I’m willing to learn. I’m a sub switch/service Top so if somebody that I submit to wants me to do something “Dominant” to them for their pleasure then I am happy ro see if I can’t make that happen.

I do love his openness and his honesty. He says what he thinks without being rude about it. It’s a gift for sure.

I came across this problem too when we started pegging. What we do now is we have sex first and then comes pegging for the 2nd round :smirk: we usually have sex afterwards too because I get so wet that I always end up using a dildo and my clit sucker, something he can’t resist and come back to me. Our nights are short but we are satisfied :sweat_drops:


Mrs W here …

When Mr W and I include me pegging him in our playtime and we have the time, it is usually preceded by me spanking him (and vice versa) and using nipple clamps and the Wartenberg wheels on him, plus anything else we choose. Then I give him a good pegging. After that we usually go back to him working on me with fingers, mouth, and whatever toys we choose, including LH mains wand to prepare me for coming off and getting my insides filled with his cum … I really do enjoy strutting my stuff with the strap-on and the apparent power it gives me … he loves it too …


Definitely not.

When she’s pegging me she’s the Domme and doesn’t relinquish the role when we’re finished.

In fact it goes further than that in so much as our roles are completely reversed now so PIV is completely off the agenda.

Finally, by the time she’s finished pegging me, I’m too emotionally drained to want to continue in any other activity


I agree if I’m the dominant he should not receive pleasure - at best I will sit on his face but never penetration

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@Tenshadesandme - have you done pegging before - the process is so good and he will be over the moon if you surprise him with a harness and dildo

I’m more than happy to help you choose :lovehoney_heart:


Thankyou for the offer buf hubby has zero interest and consent is important in all things sex and kink :blush:

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@batjamboree ypur so kind offering us advice on pegging thank ypu so.much

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Back when my wife was pegging me , if we were both extra horny we would reverse rolls . Including penetration and then me licking up our juices . Only several times we were both up for it , depending on what all you roll into each swap it is quite exhausting . Memories .


When we first started pegging, we reversed roles afterwards, but not now. During the session, there might be the spreader bar, he’ll be spanked, pegged, his cock will likely be milked and he’ll be left exposed whilst I recover from the exertion. Only after I’ve recovered and the glow of what I’ve done has subsided might I have his cock in me, but recently, he’s still been restrained and I’ve used him in cowgirl or reverse for my pleasure. The dynamic is wonderful - I’m not giving it up early.


I am in control when I decide to peg him. I usually get him to jerk off or I do it for him depending on what I want. He nearly always gets to cum.

When I don’t allow him to cum he can penetrate me and bring me to orgasm otherwise he is instructed to lick me to orgasm.


My wife is beginning to be more dominant during our pegging sessions. Before she pegs me I have to please her orally, including rimming her. She likes the role of making me please her before pegging including sucking her dildo. She will allow me to come, and after we are done, she does not want any form of penetration.


I usually cum by the end of being pegged so not usually ready to penetrate after that, but I’ll often help finish her off afterwards with fingers/toys/mouth etc! Even though she is dominant during the pegging she is not opposed ti being penetrated after (if I am able to after a pegging!)


For me the pegging is a sign of dominance and I place my husband in the position I want and then go to town on his ass - afterwards I would never consider asking him to enter me - yes I get him to give me oral pleasure but never offer myself up … I just consider when I’m wearing the dildo I’m in control…

It really depends on if he has cum or not. Sometimes if i want sex after i dont let him cum from the pegging but if i am satisfied i will make him cum while pegging. I do enjoy seeing the extra large load pouring from him as i stroke with my hand as i peg but i also want that huge load in me.