
I’m in a relationship of 4 years both 25 years of age Male and Female what’s best way to suggest swinging ?

Also what’s the best younger club to go to couples night


Fab swingers is your absolute best bet to find like minded singles or couples


I agree with earlier comment, fabswingers is a good site to start off with as it will identify close matches ( and an awful lot of dreamers, time wasters and picture hunters!). It has a good clubs section as well showing clubs by areas of the country as well as reviews on each one to help you decide.

Is this a collective decision or something that you are thinking would be good to try?


Sounds like your partner is not aware of your interest yet. If that is the case just ask your partner what they think of swinging, that way you will know if it is something you be able to get involved in.


I cant suggest clubs as its not my thing but if i want to suggest something i usually say ive read an article/forum post on said subject and it might be fun or whats your opinion etc. I usually do a bit of research on anything i want to try so im informed for a discussion. Or alternatively ill find some info etc on something and send it to hibby to read about. This works for us. Were into BDSM so anything new requires an element of research. Maybe suggest listening to a podcast on swinging?

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One way to discuss swinging could be discussing fantasies with your partner.

As for clubs, it depends where you live.

Hey welcome to the forum! I’ve never attempted swinging other than what you get on playgrounds lol but there’s defo some good members on here who’ll be able to help out :wink:

Fabswingers works for me and has actually put the ‘friend’ in FWB with some of the people I’ve met.
Chat first, check verifications and you should be OK

We use fab swingers, but agree with what everyone else has stated , check verification etc first. But we find it alot of fun :wink:

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Hello welcome to the forum :blush::upside_down_face::blush: @Thelad96

This…this and this BEFORE fab swingers

Not point looking at that unless its okd by both involved


There are a few programmes about it and different types of relationships, you could watch them together and then talk about it or say you’ve seen them and ask what your partners opinion is, you think it could be fun, interesting etc. Then I’ve got to agree with Fabswingers as a good place to start.

Good luck

Another thing I would possibly consider is being aware of what it is that interests you about swinging, what are you wanting to get from it. Are you looking for variety in play partners? Interested in seeing your partner with someone else? Many many different reasons why people want to swing, and that would be my starting point, understanding why it appeals to me.

Some people might take offence to the idea, for example if my OH said out the blue she wanted us to try swinging, my thoughts might be something like ‘am I doing something wrong?’ or ‘am I not enough any more?’

I guess all I am trying to say is be careful of how it’s bought up in conversation, and rather than suggesting swinging outright, talk about the things that you’d like to get out of it, and see where the conversation goes. Try and get a feel for what she thinks about it.

Dip in a toe and test the waters, rather than doing a belly flop from the 10 meter board, that would be my suggestion.

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