It occurred to me today that numerous people on this forum, mostly guys seem to enjoy sharing their desire to dress in feminine clothing, especially lingerie. I know I do. It got me thinking would they do that in person? For example if two blokes who were into it, would they sit in say a pub and talk about it like they do here? Would they talk to a female friend, not a partner, about it?
As for me I have to say it might be interesting, but I don’t think I could actually do it. For one thing, and this isn’t meant to disparage anyone but I’m not into male to male sex and I wouldn’t want the other bloke to think of it as a prelude to sex. Also actually seeing another guy while talking about it would be odd. Yet with that said I do find myself interested in talking about it and hearing other people talk about what they like. Sort of like having a friend who shares a same interest. It would be interesting to talk and say “I saw this nice little bra in purple that has this and that I just ordered it.” Or “How do you like your new teddy?” I think I would find it easier to talk to a female.
So would you? And if you would, have you actually met another person, not partner, that you talk to about your dressing?
Just wondering. Is it a male friend? Did you know them before you knew about their interest? If so how did you learn about each other’s interest? Do you talk frequently about it? I guess I’m just curious about the subject, as I’ve never talked to anyone, except for a sexual GF years ago.
Yes I occasionally dress up in lingerie. I don’t dress up in dresses or outerwear. I don’t go out in public dressed as a female. It is simply in private and is for sexual excitement. Not to feel like a female or pretend to be a female.
As a woman I openly encourage men to do what they desire and I help them crossdress - there is a massive desire to wear lingerie - but as you say it’s not a easy thing to discuss with another man - but easier to a woman
I welcome any man who wants to talk about their kink to do so - my husband is one and it is wonderful to talk as when he opened up and asked to wear lingerie I was also able to talk about what I wanted to do sexually as well
My motto is - you have one life - live it to the best of your ability
Sorry but that’s not what this thread is about. I’m sure if you search for my posts you will find posts that share what I wear, even some with links to LH items that I’ve worn. One of them I plan on wearing this evening.
He knew 1 man many years ago who was into crossdressing - but no longer in contact
At the moment its a no - but I’m aware of many men who are into crossdressing and I help them shop for both lingerie and clothing- but as I said it’s easier to open up to a stranger (especially a woman)
Sadly it’s still a taboo - the general thought is a man should wear boxers / boring underwear and a woman wears sexy lingerie and any change from that is wrong (or gay…) - this needs to change
I’ve noticed that women generally tend to be more accepting and understanding towards guys who want to chat about fashion and clothes, no matter which clothes they were designed for.
I’m female, but I have plenty of friends who cross dress, and who I have helped cross dress. I think men do tend to judge one another for it more, so I do understand why it would be harder to open up to as man than a woman. That said. as @batjamboree said, you only have one life. Enjoy it while you can
Men love to feel…touch and see silky…lacy…soft and beautifully cut underwear. Not only that but it’s in such a vast array of stunning colours. It turns them on and a woman wearing the above generally feels more attractive and sexy in it too.
So for a man to wear it himself and feel the soft fabrics on his skin and how he looks in it is surely going to then feel more sexy and attractive too.
I think men look good in it personally and it’s a win win situation.
We only live once…it’s underwear and doesn’t hurt anyone…when you think what’s going on in this crazy world we live in.
I’ve chatted to lots of male friends who do it and given advise on sizing…suspender belt clips…tight denier too. Then helped in a charity shop and helped with clothing styles.
I’d say many do it on here as it’s an openly safe space to talk about this stuff and things anonymously that you may not be comfortable with doing in closer circles. But depending on your dynamics with mates and people you know, some have that opens to say freely to them too
So from the responses so far I would say most guys do not share their interest with others in person other than perhaps their OH.
Understandable, but also a bit sad. As perhaps the bloke three offices down the hall or on the same football club shares the same interest. I could see two blokes on the same team talking over a pint about the recent game and then what suspender belt and stockings they are going to wear that evening. Actually that sounds a little funny in a Monty Python sort of way.
Yes - they would shop for lingerie together and wear it for each other - it was more of a wanking relationship (bit weird) - but each to their own
Oh I see. I’d have a hard time talking to a fellow dresser in person because I would be concerned that they would be interested in it moving to sex or even wanking together which I just would not be into. That’s just me.
In fact porn of just cross dressers doesn’t really interest me but add in a wife or GF and I’m interested. Especially if both of them are dressed. While I usually am only interested in lingerie when I see a couple together and they are wearing high length boots with pointy heels I find myself wanting to do that too. I’d like to see myself in those boots.
I totally agree with @CurvyJilly - men love texture and satin is fav but others such as wet look / leather / silk are good too and wearing such lingerie is both good to feel but there is also the buzz knowing it’s taboo
I would hate to see my man wearing cotton boxers - as a woman I choose lingerie with him and we dress in different styles and colours- but always sexy