Due to the rather catastrophic failure of my PC, it'd been smuggled away to be repaired so I am without computer *gulp* *sob* and I am struggling to cope! Anyway, the point is that I'm now relying on my iPhone to get my LH forum fix and although I can read the forums fine, the text boxes do not seem to be recognised by the iPhone as text boxes so I cannot reply and post. (I am using a VERY old computer to write this and it's slllllllllllooooooooow)
So although I'm sure it's not actually you're first priority LH, but would you please make the forums compatible with the iPhone so this addict can get her fix easier!! Thank you!!
Oh I should also say that other forums (like the What Katie Did one) work fine so there must be a way!
This computer is so old (iBook blue system 9.2!!) that it doesn't display the text properly so I am reading the forums on the iPhone and replying on this computer. Pretty desperate times really!!
Aw thanks Carly that would be fab, because this computer plus phone method is agony!! I'm so slow to read and reply it's not worth it!
He he thanks Mel, but horror it might be longer than that!!! At least when I go home for Christmas I will ahve access to a modern computer, but don't know if me ma and pa would really approve of the LH forums (doubt that would stop me though!)
I'm going to have that problem, I'm going to the in laws boxing day until just after new years, but then again, that is where I first found this site and she didn't know any different then, she hates computers, now I just have to remember my password lol. Hopefully it'll get sorted though chic
All iPhones use a mobile version of Safari as a Web browser as far as I know. I am looking at the site now on a Mac with Safari and am posting fine, so it must be an iPhone-specific problem.
Our Mac geek is out of the office today but I will alert him via email and hopefully a fix will be forthcoming!
All iPhones use a mobile version of Safari as a Web browser as far as I know. I am looking at the site now on a Mac with Safari and am posting fine, so it must be an iPhone-specific problem.
Our Mac geek is out of the office today but I will alert him via email and hopefully a fix will be forthcoming!
Yes, the problem is that the rich text editor we use is not yet compatible with the iPhone. It's a fairly simple job to deliver just a simple text box to the iPhone, but as it's nearly 5pm on a Friday, I'm afraid it'll probably have to wait until next week...