The Lounge

It’s fine, just been busy lately and not found the time for pics! :wink:

@Alyssa646 - I’ve yet to have a talk with my GP about managing the TMD - got a phone consultation booked for the 18th. Because of the pandemic precautions, I haven’t had any in-person consultations yet. Everything except the actual blood test has been done by phone. I was offered an in-person consult last week, but I declined it because it would have been a bit redundant until the blood results came back.

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……and….how was it?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I normally watch it for hours, I know there’s no sound but I just appreciate how hot some of them are

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Yeah that’s pretty much all you see. That’s why I have that on the main tv and the good good stuff going on my phone. Best of both worlds :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yeah pretty tame to be fair. I think you have to actually pay to get the full version. Just nice to have on in the background

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@WillC phew :joy:

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I think that may be like comparing half a shandy to a pack of Tennents Super. :slightly_smiling_face:


Evening all, hope you have all had a good day :relaxed:

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This is working out perfectly @PleasureDrone as I’ve got to go for tests or it’d be a phone consultation, I’m thinking about calling to see whether the Dr would email the information so it could be copied and pasted for you :+1:

The pandemic has made basically everything extremely difficult, it’s super hard when uou can’t get to see the dr and everything is done via telephone consultation unfortunately.

Breathing exercises can be very beneficial, I close my eyes take a deep breath in hold for ten seconds then breath out n sometimes doing that for a few minutes works but other times it doesn’t but great when that technique works. There’s a lot of information and techniques on those sheets that will be beneficial to you :crossed_fingers:

Can’t seem to find the few sheets of a4 so I’ll definitely ask the Dr like explained at the start of the post :+1::kissing_heart:

Obviously the only reason I’m wanting you back @steel is to get me likes up :rofl: in all seriously I aswell as many others want you back so you have an outlet as you can’t keep bottling things up it’s not healthy ok bab :+1:

I hear you but you can’t go on like this you’re going to put yourself in an early grave grafting 70+ hours was it you said? It’s okay being happiest when you’re at work but again there’s certain way’s that you can do that, eating regularly, getting time out, you don’t sleep so are always wiped our and could end up seriously hurting yourself due to stress, depression, exhaustion, lack of food, energy and doing way too many hours.

Also would you want your kids working themselves into the ground? As they’re seeing you do that n thinking it’s normal to be ran into the ground, permanently exhausted, think it’s okay for their future gfs/wife’s to be living like you are but that’s not okay and your girl children to think that wat their witnessing is correct for their future relationships bfs/hubs but it ain’t. Obviously you’re in love with your wife or you’d of left her with nothing being resolved.

If I ever say owt you think is outta order let me know n :100:% al bear it in mind I’ll stop ok bab :+1::kissing_heart:

Evening @KentCouple1990 not bad, still in a world of pain but apart from that all good, how are you this evening bab? :kissing_heart:


Oh no! Hope you feel better soon! Not nice being in pain, I’m a wimp so any pain and I’m moaning about it lol

I’m all good just feet up on the sofa browsing lovehoney wondering what the next purchase will be :rofl::rofl:

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Try being a woman then you’d know what pain really is, giving birth n shark week 2 name a couple of painful times we feel pain badly :cry:

All men are the same, yous can’t handle pain at all :rofl:

Nice one, I’m looking for something for my mam, he’s not into but fun, cock rings, or any strokers or mastubaters we’ve tried so it’s hard job so might have to treat myself instead :rofl::kissing_heart:

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Haha yeah I can’t handle the pain :rofl:

Can’t say no to treating yourself when there is soooo much good stuff on offer at the moment!

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Haha bloke’s are the worst for pain, man pain ain’t it :sweat_smile:

Exactly :100:% it’d be rude not to :smirk:

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Well I’ve just treated myself to some stuff.

Hope you managed to find something for you other half

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Interesting have you posted on the place you post new purchases? Actually operation please the fussy hubby’s well underway :crossed_fingers::smirk: now it’s time to whittle down my humongous list :sweat_smile:


10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Lovehoney Glitches

Oh no! I missed it! :woman_facepalming: is it all over now @Melody1 @Green_Eyed_Girl?

Hi everyone hope your all keeping safe and well. Have a good day and enjoy your weekend


Morning! Have a good day :blush:

@Kitty-Cat01 We will be passing through it for a while yet. Its just hits its peak right now. But its a nice dense one so should still be good for the next week :+1: the moon just after new moon here too, so means it’ll be nice and dark in the sky.

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