The Lounge

Oops a bit late to the party on this but still sending hugs and hoping all goes well tomorrow :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Sending love @PleasureDrone. Hope all goes well tomorrow, and we’re always here for a chat :two_hearts:


@PleasureDrone sending bear hugs :teddy_bear: :hugs: mainly do I could put a picture if a Teddy here :laughing:


Sending you hugs @PleasureDrone whatever the condition i wish you well, my wife has a condition that requires hefty drugs for life, and you do get used to it, not much consolation i know, but you can live a relatively normal life.
My best wishes to you and sending loads of hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Late to the party but retrospective hugs @PleasureDrone . I hope that whatever has caused your symptoms is not what you fear and that the tests and hopefully a shorter, easier treatment plan from the GP can sort you out :crossed_fingers:.


That’s good news @PleasureDrone, I hope everything goes well and it’s not what you are worried it is xx


Sending love and hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: @PleasureDrone hope everything goes ok :heart:


Hope all goes well with getting your appointment at the vampire clinic @PleasureDrone! :crossed_fingers:t2:

Working with the Olympics on.


@PleasureDrone sending you lots of big hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: i hope they sort out what it is for you, the waiting is always the worst (Maybe jam some music on, i find it takes the edge off. )
Hope everything goes well and its nothing too serious (or something they can sort easily)

Whatever happens we’re all here if you want a distraction or someone to chat to :heart:


I was enjoying a lazy start to the day, scrolling on my iPad in bed with a cuppa, and I tipped the cuppa!! Quickest I’ve got out of bed in a while!

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Thank you, darlings. :hugs:

Got bloods booked for 11:30am. My local GP might be calling me for a chat before then too. It’ll probably turn out to be nothing dramatic. Better safe than sorry, though. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sending loads of hug and good wishes @pleasuredrone. Hope it is on the less serious side xx

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Fingers crossed for a better outcome than you feared. Good luck

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@PleasureDrone sorry only just catching up. Big Welsh cwtches (better than any hug). Keep us informed x

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Hi @PleasureDrone , sorry I haven’t responded sooner but huge hugs and good look with your tests.
Fingers firmly crossed that it’s a case of assume and plan for the worst but that the reality is far less serious or scary for you.


innit quiet ere t’night

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Evening, hope you are all good :relaxed:


I genuinely hope you rethink staying away from the forums whilst you’re in such an impossible situation. I’m a massive over-thinker and it creeps up big time when you’re not sleeping right,eating right, working all those hour’s, stressed out, upset, depressed and heart broken which is everything I get from your post’s.

Reading through yours and others posts on this page today has bought tears to my eyes. you are not a burden you’re not worthless you deserve to be happy There could be numerous reasons why your wife isn’t wanting to have sex that aren’t anything to do with loving you any less than when you’s first got together, she may have depression, be body conscious, lost her libido due to meds, illness amongst other causes.

The only way to find out is via a discussion but from what I recall you’ve not had very good success with talking in the past so it’d be an idea to write her a letter expressing everything you’re feeling. Explain how beaten down you are and how you’re a shadow of yourself and that you want nothing more than to fix the problems within your relationship but it involves talking. Explain how you can’t cope with life all because of everything you’re going through. Ask her what she wants from you, how you can help her with anything to get your marriage back on track. Also explain that it’s not good for the kids to see how things are with you’s and that you need her to give you :100: & you’ll do the same. If that fails then you have to decide whether you’re happy to live the rest of your life as you are, if the answer is yes fair enough you’ll have to get used to everything n if the answer is no you’ve got to decide how to move forward which will involve some tough decisions but ultimately you’ll be working towards happiness that will pay off in the long run.

Again I really hope you stay, this place has helped me immensely over the past and aswell a yourself many others, its good to have a nice environment to be able to get advice or vent to people who have no faces (the majority of us that is.) Also bottling everything ups not good, you end up losing it or having a breakdown amongst other things.

Hope you are doing a bit better @SteelA1 :ok_hand:x

Oh @PleasureDrone I’ve just spotted your post, I’m sending you massive cyber hugs, as many positive vibes as I can muster up n i want to say you’re amongst friends here and have came to the right place for hugs and supportive people as the support here’s immense.

Fingers crossed fya tests not been what you’re concerned about but if it is the medication may not effect you as bad, I don’t know for sure obviously but want you to stay as positive as can be as positive mental attitude is powerful.

Just seen the update post, glad the gp was thorough and dealing with it promptly, also good news that it doesn’t appear to be what you were fearful of. Anyway take it easy and take good care of yourself :ok_hand:x


Cripes, I’ve been away for a few days and missed such a lot!!
@PleasureDrone aww, big hugs! I hope your fears are laid to rest (but even if you do turn out to have a health condition that needs scary treatment, that’s usually better than the alternative, what happens if you don’t take the scary treatment - and knowledge is power….)
@SteelA1 you’re not a burden to us or anyone! It’s time to talk. If you don’t feel right about phoning the number @PleasureDrone gave you, you could text “SHOUT” to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line, or you contact them by email [] (
To access NHS mental health support, go here Mental Health Helpline for Urgent Help - NHS and click Start Now. See the bit where it says “The important thing to know is you won’t be wasting anyone’s time”? This does mean you.


Remember in march when I said about my street was being dug up for gas works HERE and in the next few months it’ll have to be dug up again for full fibre internet… well my street was upgraded to 1 gig fibre this week and the whole town is also being done. After stuck with 50mbps I can’t wait to upgrade to either 500mbps or 1 gig fibre