The Lounge

Always good to watch, gets me turned on the most

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Certainly is @Hubby.and.Wife, love watching videos of her as well when she’s out and I’m feeling horny, prefer that to watching porn most of the time


Yes we’ve made a few videos in the last few years
We did post a few online on a well known porn video site
Then they changed the rules etc, wife was up for being verified As we never showed our faces anyway
We still watch from time to time

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@Hubby.and.Wife we have thought about posting a video on a site but have never done it for some reason, I’m sure we’ll get round to it at some point haha. So is yours still on line?

No I deleted ours of the site, although thinking about reposting on another site
You should do it
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@Hubby.and.Wife was it easy to upload to them? I think we will at some point, we’ll let you know the link if you would like? How old are you guys if you don’t mind us asking

I’ve had a quick look at uploading video but you need to have a payment account of some kind
No going to bother

We are early 50’s

How old are you both?

Do you have many videos


I see from your profile your ages lol

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@Hubby.and.Wife oh really, that’s annoying I don’t think we will bother either then.

Oh really, I’m 37 and the missus is 27 on Saturday! I hope we’re having as much fun as you guys when we’re older.

We have a album on our iPad and I just looked we have 87 naughty videos/pictures on there haha



Yes we’ve just started our sex life again after getting us as a couple back, as our kids have all moved out and getting on with their lives

Shame these not a way that videos cam be posted without all the checks etc

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@NaughtyCouple85 it would be good if this site let us post photos and videos in a special chat. Could be really erotic for everyone

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@Hubby.and.Wife that’s good to hear, we’ve got two little ones but they’re at the age where we can still enjoy ourselves without them knowing haha.

Yes that would be hot, we’d be happy to show ours and obviously view others

@Hubby.and.Wife no we only joined two days ago and don’t seem to be able to yet, have you guys posted any?

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@Spice64 totally agree

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No we haven’t

If we do I’ll let you know

Not really sure what you can post

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@Hubby.and.Wife thanks we’d like that, we’ll do the same.

Yeah we’re not sure it looks like just underwear pictures, some look quite hot though

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@Hubby.and.Wife i did post one of me in my pants but it got taken down not sure why

@Hubby.and.Wife @NaughtyCouple85 it would be good to be able to have private chats and share photos too

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Yes there must be a way lol

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