The Lounge

Oh it really does make a massive difference! I don’t mind Sara Pascoe but do miss Joe. I too love him. Saw him on his last tour and he’s so funny!

Did you hear Esme swear? She said “crap” on the BBC! :joy::joy:

Oh I’d love to see him live! We went to see Jimmy Carr last year but I’ve not made it to Joe Lycett yet… I will one day!

I did not notice Esme swear :scream: Shocking!!! :rofl:

He’s well worth seeing!

You need to rewatch - it caught me by surprise haha! It was Asmaa’s made to measure critique :joy: (can I just say :kissing_heart: to her dress?)

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I’m confused about sharing our reviews here do we embed them or do we need to format the post to show ratings etc? Also while I’m here can I review toys I have purchased elsewhere on Lovehoney? Asking because I got some Lovense toys and one in particular I love.

@MissTery Just shifted this one over here to keep the review thread clear!

You can format them however you please, I personally added the ratings as I find a visual aid a little easier, but that’s completely up to you, many others don’t go that far. It’s definitely whatever you prefer, however, I do know there’s a template floating around somewhere for reviews to make it easier for people

If you have any toys that are on site, you can review them, even if you didn’t purchase them through Lovehoney

Hope this helps! :smiling_face:
Edit - just went looking for the original review template most users are using, you can find it here


Hi @MissTery ,

As @RacyRosalee says, you can format however you please but if you’re not a fan of formatting, @Ian_Chimp created a helpful one click template here. If you click on the icon on the top right of the coding, it copies it straight to your clipboard. There is also one for the stars in the same post if you so desire.

Posting your reviews in this thread does not change your chances of becoming a tester, so make sure all your reviews are first posted to the shopping site. The thread is very useful for keeping track of your reviews, and like you say, means you can link to your reviews of products to talk about on the forum.

As stated above, yes, feel free to review any products Lovehoney stock even if you got them elsewhere… just make sure the link is to the LH product not a competitors! :rofl:


Not been on here properly for a few weeks how is everyone doing? I hope everyone is enjoying the lovely weather :roll_eyes::rofl::laughing:

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Mixed emotions really. I had environmental health come to mine on Friday, cos of all the mould and damp in our place, the landlady is still doing nothing about. But he’s coming back on Tuesday and wants the landlady to come here too. We’ve had the section 21 but she won’t go to court to get the possession order, and the council won’t help us without it, she wants us to sign another tenancy and put the rent up without fixing any of issues. She’s saying it’s not down to her to fix it, especially the mould, it’s even affecting the kids health now, the builder reckons it’s down to no installation in the loft. But on the plus side we’re going on holiday on Friday.

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Hello :smiley:
My daffodil bulbs have rotted with the lovely weather. Really need to drill a few drainage holss in that pot for next time.

Sorry to hear about that some landlords are arse holes aren’t they :roll_eyes: it’s literally their responsibility to sort things like that out! They should sort it out regardless but when little ones health it’s even worse for them not to do anything about it! Enjoy your holiday at least that should take your mind off if x

Haha oh no that sucks :roll_eyes::laughing:

Doing fine…hope you are too.

Feeling fat - too much chocolate and cider last night

I know the feeling :joy:

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Not feeling too bad at present although like others could do with losing some weight. Thank you for asking @AbigailM03

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Pretty good, I’ve got some time off work to enjoy, if the weather bloody gets its arse in gear :rofl:
Hope you’re keeping well @AbigailM03

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Hmmmm weather… Planned fir a garden project but rains stopped play

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All good here @AbigailM03. I’ve been scoffing my left over pizza from last night so im super happy. Hope you’ve been ok :smiling_face:


If I’m honest @AbigailM03 I’m feeling a bit despondent, I’ve been reading various threads and the multitude of posted replies for the last half hour whilst having me breakfast and i can’t help but wonder if I’m ever going to have any kind of sex with my wife ever again!!!
Now i know it’s difficult for her with her various conditions and I often wonder if I’m being selfish for having such thoughts.

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It’s not selfish at all. We are human, and a large part of that is sharing physical contact, wether it be a hug, holding hands, sex etc, as well as company and conversation.
Don’t feel guilty or think you’re selfish, look after yourself or you can’t adequately look after your loved one’s. Medical conditions can’t be helped, but it doesn’t make it any easier on the caring partners.
Always someone here if you need support.