The Lounge

Yes Mrs W you are strong enough. You’ve got this !!!

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The lounge is perfect for these kind of conversations. Unfortunately, threads of this nature can end up coming across as a sex diary/reading as erotica, which would go against the forum rules. Keeping it as more of a conversation, rather than a writer and reader thread, should enable it to stay active :slight_smile:


@Wurger Please, please, please, accept my sincere apologies. It was never my intent to upset you for one milisecond.
It was my fault for not explaining very well.
Never for one moment was I suggesting you follow Anna’s example.
I was merely saying that when she wrote what she did, people were following that thread and looking forward to the next post.
Your thread is the same in that respect. You have got people hooked and I / they are happy for you in as far as what has happened so far!
You yourself said you are on tenterhooks…and I can imagine why. A chance meeting last week has now evolved into a meal out this week. Something always to be excited about, as well as the added bonus of meeting someone new (your colleague’s wife) and having hubby back.
Things couldn’t be any better.
Again, I am sorry if you thought I was implying anything else. My fault entirely, 100%.
A virtual hug :people_hugging: if you will accept it?


That sounds great. I think I took it as a given that she was interested after she gave you her tongue. And I don’t think she was put off by your surprise, I think most of us would be. Wishing you everything you would wish for yourself on Saturday

I would advise that you think about your boundaries, be confident enough to state them and have a way out if they are exceeded. Other than that, enjoy yourself

@Latino_Caliente … Mrs W here … Thank you Latino, thats fine. Something got lost in the translation :slightly_smiling_face: virtual hug accepted and returned :people_hugging::slightly_smiling_face: xx

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@Alex4 … Mrs W here … Thank you, I am glad you think I am strong enough… Thank you :kissing_heart: xx

@Trixie-n-Russell … Mrs W here … Thank you. Your clarity and support really helps … yes, boundaries, I must keep a clear head and remember what is important, and yes a way out too … Thank you again :kissing_heart: xx


Post breaker

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@KinkyMira @steve19 @Game_for_anything @Mercyun @Craig1234 @Mel3 @MsSubExperimenter @WonderDownUnder @Latino_Caliente @Trixie-n-Russell and others … Mrs W here … Yippee … its Wednesday lunchtime, halfway through the working week and much closer to Saturday. Lunchtime update, well the boys have not been so risque today probably because they know Mr W is back Saturday … for me Saturday is so important for another event … Anyway, her hubby came over late this morning, making sure nobody else in earshot, he almost whispered … “She told me to tell you that she is not going to the office drink on Friday, so no need for you to go. Anyway she will phone you.” I confirmed that I will not be going. My goodness, she has a little minion there, I wonder what their day-to-day relationship is like. Anyway, countdown is proceeding … and I can assure you I am really looking forward to it … :heart:


Love it… friday night phone call, sounds interesting, and possibly agenda meeting :thinking::joy:

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Hi Mrs Wurger,

I hope everything goes exactly as you hope and things work out great but I’m just slightly worried and do have a couple of questions.


Does Mr W know all the details you’ve shared on the forum? Have you spoken about what each of your expectations of the night are? How does he feel about it? I know you said you’ve discussed FF before and he’s on board but a theoretical conversation in the past and the full reality of it can be quite different. I just want to check he knows your intentions and is fully in support.


If things do progress significantly, I think it’s very unlikely this will remain secret at your work. Are you prepared for the gossip and banter from the guys you work with? From my experience, admittedly as one of the colleagues, not the leading characters, this stuff never stays secret for very long!


Wise words from @Peitho,
As long as hubby is fully onboard (which I’m sure he will be) I can see that side of things not being a problem.
From what I’ve read so far you seem to be a prominent figure in the office and if anything were to come out after, I’m sure you could handle it.
We are all rooting for you @Wurger (Mrs) and we really hope that Saturday goes as well as you are hoping.

Make sure you keep your hands off Mr W when he gets home…wouldn’t want to take the edge off the evening now, would we! :wink: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi @Wurger I was thinking about your forthcoming meal with hubby and the other couple. I take it you were/are attracted to Mrs? Are you hoping that the 2 men get involved as well or is it just FF. So many questions /scenario. Good luck with everything and I hope you get the outcome that you desire. xxx

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Mrs W here …
@Peitho …Thank you … Yes Mr W is aware of everything I have put on the Forum … whatever way things progress I have no concerns of possible effects in the office.
Many years ago I came to terms with the fact that we are only on this mortal coil once, so I made the decision to enjoy myself before I leave. That is why I buy lovely feminine clothes and make-up, fine things and all the lovely toys from LH.

@Latino_Caliente … Thank you for your support and yes I will keep my hands off of Mr W, first because we will both be so busy getting ready and second he also has work to do – he leaves our place at 0530 Monday. I will be making the utmost effort to look and feel my best.

@steve19 … Thank you for your support. Yes when I spent time with the other Lady last Friday I knew immediately that I was mentally attracted to her, in fact the most I have been attracted to a female – and I have been attracted to a number especially when in my younger days, but always accepted that was respect instead of desire (right or wrong). So no men feature in my aspirations for the weekend.

I understand that these are early days, but should I be lucky enough that this develops, is it wrong that 2 females enjoy themselves by using the bodies given to them by nature providing nobody else is really affected?
:heart: xx


@Wurger Mrs…that made me chuckle!
No ripping off of clothes then as soon as he walks through the door. Yes, save all that passion for the night ahead.

From where I live on the South Coast of Spain, in my time zone, I estimate 36 hrs before you will be sitting down for your meal and getting to know the new lady better. At about 9 pm tomorrow night?
Is that a similar time frame for you?

Getting exciting, isn’t it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I wish you every success tomorrow evening @Wurger I agree with you there is no reason why two ladies cannot enjoy themselves as long as no one gets hurt. I cannot wait for an update on Monday. Is it stocking and suspender Friday.

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Yes @Wurger i bet your bouncing today, a planned call tonight, Mr W back and a certain dinner date tomorrow… how can you concentrate :joy:


Good luck Mrs @Wurger as I’ve said before, go gently and carefully. Hope it all goes how you hope it will​:crossed_fingers:

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@KinkyMira @steve19 @Game_for_anything @Mercyun @Craig1234 @Mel3 @MsSubExperimenter @WonderDownUnder @Latino_Caliente @Trixie-n-Russell and others …
Mrs W here …
@Latino_Caliente … Couple of hours before your calculation … yes, so excited …
@steve19 … Thank you. No stockings today, it was Dress-Down Friday …
@Craig1234 … bouncing like a rubber ball all day … cannot concentrate on anything, like a teen on a first date …
@Mercyun … Thank you so much …
Friday phone call as I recall … She rang me on my mobile (so I now have her number) just after I had got home from work and said “I just wanted to have a quick chat before tomorrow evening. We won’t stay too long after the meal, we will leave you to have a bit of time with your man. But I do want you to clearly understand, that as far as I am concerned it is you I want to see. We can all chat at the restaurant, but at your place can we let the boys get on with what they want to chat about? You and I can go see your wardrobe to chat while they talk football etc.”
I said that all that was clear and that I feel the same. Then I told her I would not be in the office Monday because I had booked a day off to see Mr W off again.
Then she told the dress code for tomorrow was smart, like office-wear. I asked how was her Hubby with all of this?
“Don’t worry about him, I will tell you more sometime. OK, any other questions at the moment?”
No, no more questions yet I said and that was the end of the telephone chat. We both said take care and see you tomorrow.
So feeling like a young teenager arranging her first date, I am just looking forward to a glass of vino and then an earlyish night.
Wish me luck please, and a great big Thank You for all your support …. :kissing_heart: xx