the perfect colour

Bit random, but i just realised that my ideal skin colour if i could choose it would be the colour of my penis. Its a lovely "holiday tan" colour yet its the place that sees the least sun all year!

I wish I had far more Nordic DNA and have much paler skin. I wish I was bone china white, far more suited to my goth leanings!

I reckon it'd also pick up the blue in my eyes more, which I'd get no complaints from my gf about at all!

magicnumber69 wrote:

I wish I had far more Nordic DNA and have much paler skin. I wish I was bone china white, far more suited to my goth leanings!

I reckon it'd also pick up the blue in my eyes more, which I'd get no complaints from my gf about at all!

And I have always thought blue eyes look more striking when one has somewhat tanned skin. I am very pale (I can only get make-up for the lightest skin tones, nothing else would do.) and I have light blue eyes - I think I look rather dull and I cannot tan at all, I just get a sunburn instead...

I love the porcelain white skin on the inside of my wrists, I'm usually this colour all over unless I've forgot my sunscreen...I do try to remain this pale as it's my gothy preference (and the alternative is freckles EVERYWHERE). Left to tan long enough I can go quite a nice brown, although it's usually just sunburn and freckles lol.

I'm so pale I can't even get the foundations designed for pale skin. Even that range for ginger skin is too orange for me (and I'm not ginger!). Translucent powder is my only option and always has been as everything else looks too dark or orange on me. Good thing I don't like wearing make up haha :p

I was nick named Casper when I was younger cos I was pale as a ghost lol not much has changed!

I didn't even realise it was possible to get 'skin envy'!

Thanks, guys! 😒

Interesting question....

I'm typically irish during the winter months with pale skin and naturally really dark hair

however i look spanish in the summer with tanned skin my back being the most responsive to the sun

my preference - my summer back skin lol although im not complaining about my winter skin either.....

which makes me sound horribly full of myself

Not really, Miss. There's a good deal of difference between confidence and arrogance and to me, you seem to be in the former group.

As well as pale in the winter....*sighs* There's really no justice...

Awwww magic number you have serious skin envy..... Why not try talc powder lol

If I could grant you a wish I would grant you pale skin :)

Hehe, thank you kindly, Miss. Although I think it's more a want to look like a ghost than serious skin envy! ^^

m4nn13 wrote:

Bit random, but i just realised that my ideal skin colour if i could choose it would be the colour of my penis. Its a lovely "holiday tan" colour yet its the place that sees the least sun all year!

Hmm. Do you do anal lots? Or maybe you need a wash? ;)

Lol! Wierdly no matter how much i wash, the colour stays! ☺