The Rose

Just tried out the love honey rose OMG I love it has anyone else had the pleasure I couldn’t put it down :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


How does it differ to other clit suckers. I’ve bought my wife three different ones - none of which are the rose hahah

I wasn’t a fan of the sucker ones but this one just grabs the clit and doesn’t let go :wink:


Hi @Gareth

The Rose is just awesome :smiley:

What makes it different? Firstly, it looks really nice - you can put it by the bed and it doesn’t even look like a sex toy.

Secondly, my wife finds it very easy to hold - it’s comfortable to use. I have also been able to use it on her (which I find very difficult with any other sucker / air toys)

Thirdly, for her she just loves the sensation. Every one is different but she finds the shape and the power just right - and she has had a bucketload of orgasms from it!

She even bought one for her friend as a wedding gift - it’s that good :slight_smile: :heart:


I’ve always wondered about the rose :rose:, thanks for the insight


Love my rose but ive lost the head so need to try and find another :pensive:

We had issues with a few suction devices and had almost given up! Couldn’t keep a seal way too loud, just didn’t do it for us at all.
Then we found the rose which was game changing! Quick charging easy to place and hold …… and then, then we were offered the womaniser “next”as a tester! It really is next level and cannot recommend that enough :heart_eyes::sweat_drops: if you’ve got used to suction toys now invest in the heavy price tag and go for the Next!


Thank you was going to get one for OH so im going to buy one now.
Happy days

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We have the Pro40, Melt, Romp Shine, Mon Ami Rose, and OG (not for clits generally, but still worth listing). Pro40 was a game-changer, the Melt is my wife’s go-to when we’re together as it just fits better. The Romp and Rose were both sent as testers and the Rose is the only one that couldn’t get her off. Just didn’t have the power. Started with a full charge and it just didn’t get her there - had to dump it and switch to the Pro40. Add to it she didn’t care for the shape, much preferring something longer to hold like a handle.

All that to say: maybe they’ve changed it since it’s branded as LH now, but if you already have suckers that work, I wouldn’t bother with the rose.


Thanks for the in depth reply. I am very tempted now, and it may be worth a punt.
Though we have the womanizer liberty 2, which she LOVES!

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I much prefer my Lovehoney Pocket Pal to my rose, it’s easier to hold and the extra speeds are just yes, yes, yes! :wink:

I found the suction in the rose to be more rhythmic than constant, so while it’s okay, it’s not something I usually reach for. Just doesn’t give me consistent pressure and suction. But not everything works for everyone, so that’s great you found something that works for you :blush:

The LH Thrill Clit Sucker, however, is still my #1 because of the consistency in the stimulation (although this new wand I have may potentially dethrone it after a long reign :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)


@Izzy76 can you put link for the one you bought please? Recently bought one of the rose models and it had zero suction so not sure if a duff one or your is different and better x

I’d really like to try one of these. Are they comfortable to hold? How big are they?

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They fit in the palm of your hand …… height wise about half the size of a standard iPhone and maybe width of one of the mini coke cans in girth………. I’d add a banana for scale if I had one :joy::joy: I can measure if you’d like as we have a couple rather than using comparisons :thinking::joy:


But now we need to understand the dimensions of the palm of your hand, for scale.
Can you please compare relative to the average penis for scale?


Well…… :thinking: I have beeen told that my hands are like small shovels ……
Penis is about a hand and a half so going by that (possibly over exaggerated comparison) you would need a wheel barrow to transport the rose comfortably …. :clap::rofl:

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The grip has always been the selling point to me. I find it gets a bit score holding a thinner and spindlier toy long term for somebody

very comfortable (in our opinion) @Byneex


Thank you! Might have to invest!

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