Thoughts on guys not wanting to give head

I have now slept with 14 people (12 of which are guys) and I have come across a few who don’t like giving head.

Whilst I completely agree with each to their own, I HATE when a guy states that he doesn’t give head or doesn’t like giving head but then expects YOU to give him head.

Whilst like I said I have only come across a couple of guys like this, 2/12 it still gets on my nerves.

Anyone else feel the same way?! x


@Sophie01 it works both ways, trust me.

It’s something I’ve always done, always been happy to and occasionally done nothing else. It can obviously be frustrating when not reciprocated but if you go down the road of expecting give and take on every occasion you’ll often end up both disappointed and even more frustrated.

With a new partner why not try something different. If there’s a discussion before and he’s adamant that he’s not going there then simply stand your ground and say ‘no give, no get’. If it’s not previously discussed then play it by ear - go down on him but not to completion and when you stop tell him it’s his turn.

In my experience it’s a rare guy that doesn’t enjoy it once he gets started and with a little encouragement can be persuaded to see it as a great way to please you. I hate the concept of dangling a carrot on a stick and offering a reward…but it does tend to work. :wink:


I love going down on a woman, its always my first thing to do after the teasing foreplay. Something about it makes me feel good to see and hear how much they enjoy what im doing.

Alot of my mates in the past would do it but one never did as he always believed his pleasure was what she was for(he was a twat)


wtf, he sounds like a jerk :joy:


Hahaha , @Sophie01, I love you!
It would bust my last nerve too
Just don’t drown them if they do
Unless of course they into that


Can’t say it bothers me. Everyone has the right to their boundaries and what they are comfortable with. Sex should be definitely be pleasurable for all concerned but I don’t like trading sex acts. I give head because I enjoy doing it. If I get oral as well, fab. If i don’t, hopefully they will pleasure me in other ways. (I’ve always tended to use hook up sites so I can talk to the person first and then I can get a measure of if we are likely to be compatible.)


I can’t understand why a man wouldn’t want to give head, like you say each to their own but I absolutely love giving head, sometimes I get asked to stop I like that much and could be down there for ages!

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Yeah, each to their own, some may have genuine reasons or boundaries but I think others may just be seeing sex as something for the man to release his desires without too much regard for their partner.

Personally, may not be surprising given my name but I love giving head to the OH.

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We have a timetabled session every Sunday morning after I’ve shaved her. It’s also not unusual for me to spend an entire session down there just licking and sucking. Last time she squirted all over my face and it was beautiful. I have no problem at all with oral sex and. although I can understand personal taste I have no patience at all with anyone who expects to receive it but refuses to give it.

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Luckily my husband loves doing it :blush:

I think maybe the two that didn’t were perhaps inexperienced or didn’t feel confident doing it and probably need a bit of guidance :woman_shrugging:

If you aren’t willing to give I don’t think you can expect to receive :laughing:


I think for some people, it comes down to being comfortable. I’m married now and giving and receiving oral is a pretty regular occurrence, but whenever I haven’t been in a long term relationship, I didn’t get head off every guy I slept with, but then I don’t think I gave oral to every guy either.

I would feel the same, it’s fine if you don’t like giving head etc but you can’t expect to have it yourself.


It’s a staple part of my diet, I enjoy going down on her, and she enjoys receiving, if I don’t come up with a glistening beard, then I haven’t done it well enough!


As everybody has said, everyone is entitled to their own likes and dislikes, but the key is communication, whether new partner or not. It is up to each person what their choice is, but talk about it.

For the record I love giving and receiving oral and OH coming on my face is a pleasure. It is the same for her. But not always been the case with other partners and I understand it is tough.

Sexual activity should always be a pleasure not a chore and if it is important to you then it questions the comparability of you long term if they don’t have similar likes, as it will drive a wedge between you. Do you really want somebody doing something to you that is a chore to them??? I think that would be a throwback to the old days of being functional and somebody just Lying there and ‘thinking of England’ or where ever you want to think off - other countries are available!!!

Good luck getting what you are looking for, never settle for second best!


If they don’t like it, then I’d rather they didn’t do it to be honest. There’s nothing worse than unenthusiastic oral! I can understand where you’re coming from though. I personally don’t give to receive and think trading sex acts can be quite unhealthy, but similarly I don’t think anyone should expect anything when it comes to sex.

I have found that as I’ve got a bit older maaaany more men like to give oral. I think it’s largely a societal thing - when we were younger, if you were a man and gave oral to a girl it was seen as disgusting, so I think a lot of people then grow up with this in their head unfortunately. I’ve also had male friends say they see it as a thing they’d do with a girlfriend but not just a FWB/one night thing. Some simply just don’t enjoy it and it’s not for them.

Personally, I’d say it depends on the type of relationship to be honest. For me, if it’s just a hook up (and they pleasure me in other ways) then I’m not overly fussed if I get head or not. If it’s something I’d be considering as a monogamous relationship then it’d be a bit more of a deal breaker for me I think.


Thankyou for all the replies everyone!!!

@Rob36 @zombifiedguy @GACRB211 @Buzboy @SexInTheCity like I have said most guys are up for it and most express an interest In LOVING to do it. I don’t want a guy to do it if it’s a chore!

@Melody1 hahha

@Calie @agirlnamedS I understand this completely, If they don’t want to I wouldn’t even ask them a second time, I just hate when they then expect me to go down on them, even if I say no and then give me sh*t for it when they won’t even do it themselves!

@SubCharles Yeah I really hate the idea of that, too entitled, it’s sad that some guys still have that mindset!

@rockstar OMG I love that, haha!

@k8xxx I don’t think experience was the issue as they were both quite a few years older than me. They said that they thought going down on a girl was gross, but then I should go suck them off and fill my mouth with cum :thinking:

@M32 I completely agree that you don’t need oral at all to have amazing sex. Especially with all the amazing toys that are on the market.

@teacake yeah that’s the thing that gets me pissed off. Don’t get me wrong I love giving head and always initiate it without even having to be asked to. But their is something about a guy saying remarks like going down on a girl is gross that makes me not want to do it to them.

@ToysRusDevon HAHA, I f*cking love that comment!!


That is a bad attitude to think it’s OK to say ‘that’s gross’ to a girl, but ‘suck my dick’.

At the end of the day, it’s absolutely fine if you don’t like giving head - as long as the other party is aware of how you feel.
It’s then upto you to decide whether you still want to give it without receiving.
If the guy was nice, kind, polite, hygienic and sexy then I would. But if I wasn’t into it then I wouldn’t…and that applies whether he was giving me oral or not.


As a gentleman that has loved to lick a lady until she passes out for many decades , for me it is an instinct as I get hornier . I do not recall any of “several” women that I have been with not wanting to give me oral . And I have always enjoyed licking away until my tongue gets a cramp , especially after we have had sex . I do miss something that “was a thing” many years ago , flavored feminine products . Often women would match lip gloss with their “lip gloss” flavor . Always a treat . Not giving oral just is not in my thoughts .

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If they are giving you grief for not doing a specific sex act then they are an arsehole and that would end any chance of the encounter continuing for me. In that scenario though them being willing or not to give me oral is actually irrelevant. No means no regardless of what they’ve done for me and if the act meant that much to them they should have communicated that beforehand. Trying to push someone into a sex act is a far bigger deal than them not wanting to reciprocate.


@Calie agreed!

I think also, when you are younger - you can feel pressured into doing things that you may not want to and may regret.
So stand your ground and do what you think is right x

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