Top Tips for your Most Commonly Misspelled Words

Hey all!

We've been nattering in the office discussing our most hated words to write, and the most frustrating typos we see submitted to us, and it got me thinking. 

Everyone has at least one word which they struggle to write or pronounce, so thought it would be a great idea for us to share some of the ways in which we've learned or been shown how to remember spelling etc. You never know, your advice could be the key to help someone else finally nail their least favourite word. 

The other common mistake we see is when one word has been used, when in fact a different word should have been used.




etc etc 


So what are your most frustrating words to write, and what methods to you take to try and get it right? 

For example, for me, couple of my sticklers are 'restaurant' and 'occasional' - I always have to double, triple check them. 

To get it right, I have to over-dramatically pronounce rest-AUR-ant to get that write (with full over the top mouth movements too), and to remember 'occasional' I use the trick for 'necessary' (1 cup, 2 sugars) and reverse it. Silly, but it works! 

What are your most hated words, and top tips for getting them right? I bet we end up with some crossovers, but if you have a different way of remembering, please share it!