Trying to use classic vibrators

I’ve been using & enjoying bullet vibs for a few weeks with my OH (Magic Bullet)and so we chose 3 classic vibrators together from LoveHoney - Glow, Ladyfinger and Super Smoothie. With a girth of only 3.25 inches (my hubbie is 5.5) and max length of 6 inches (hubbie is 6.75), we felt these would not emasculate him and give me different pleasures.
Problem - I can’t insert them above an inch!
No matter how wet I am, not matter how much lube I’m using, or even if I try them after hubby has slid out, I simply “clam up” or at least not accept them. Best I’ve managed is the first bit of the tapered Ladyfinger.
What’s going wrong?
Anyone else experience this?
I’m having toe curling cums from my bullets & getting frustrated re the classics.

It seems like you are over stressing and that im turn is causing the physical symptoms you describe.

Have a break from trying with them for a while and then when relaxed try again with plenty of lube.

It could also be the material which they are made out of, which appears to be hard plastic, you could try a vibe in a different material.

Good luck.

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I’m guessing the bullets are being used on your clit and the you’re trying to use the classic vibrators internally? Have you had a few orgasms before you’re attempting to use the vibrators?

Logically you know that its not the size, maybe your body doesn’t like that they’re rigid. Have your husband use the vibrators on you while you use the bullets, maybe that would work.


Probably stressing a bit. I went for the classics because of reports that they can be beneficial to those of us who are a bit older (I’m 70). Apparently improving your own lube and “grip” can help in various ways in later life. Not sure it’s the material as they’re not even getting that far! :slight_smile:
It’s probably a mentality thing.
Thanks for the reply and I’ll take your advice.


I’m using both on my clit with wonderful success and find the classics are easier to handle when the OH is inside me. But yes, I started with the bullets. At 70 I had lost some libido, mojo and wasn’t having as strong an orgasm as I used to. The bullets got me my mojo back.
I’ll have a couple of orgasms before the vibes, yes, from oral and penetrative.
My OH has always been a super, considerate lover and I just know that he would feel wrong about trying to “force the issue” with the vibrators. He wants me to find my own comfort zone in that respect, but he does use the bullets on me, so we’ll try reversing your suggestion. Thank you


Welcome to the club

With toys you need to relax - try laying on the bed and just slowly let the vibrator tease you slowly and don’t force - as you relax you will open up and then in you pop

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Thanks. Appreciate that answer. I’m thinking maybe it’s psychological bordering on old-school thinking. I have noticed on a couple of porn vids, when the recipient is already wet, there seems to be a “moment” at point of insertion where a bit of pressure is required. Perhaps I’m just stumbling at that hurdle. We have a plan to try a quick change-over such that my vibe will slip in as my OH slips out. Let’s see what happens.

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Not prolapse. I have no problems with a couple of fingers or my OH who has a bigger girth. Beginning to think it’s psychological old-school thinking (hint of prude?).
Thanks for your input.

As you can be penetrated by fingers and penis, but not the classic vibe it has to be psychological. Now the human mind is so complex it could be any one of a million reasons why and if you are not having and real problems elsewhere in your sex life, does it really matter if you can find a way past it.

Are you trying to use the classic vibrators on your own or only during foreplay with your partner?

With my OH only. Time & my old-school mentality means I don’t masturbate. And yes, as you agree, it has to be psychological. It’s like there’s plenty of room in the hallway but the front door gets jammed :slight_smile:
I’ll get there, I’m sure I will, and then I can enjoy a whole new set of sensations. (See, I’m being positive).
Thank you for your input.

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Of course you will get there, I’m sure you deserve to get great sexual enjoyment and sounds like your partner is supportive of this.

My OH experiences anxiety about penetration at times, that’s any type of penetration. Sometimes this is due to dryness, which some lube solves for PIV. Sometimes see is scared about me going too deep and hitting her cervix, she normally manages this by going to positions that prevent deep thrusting, then there are other days she invites this. I’ve got no idea what causes these, she doesn’t seem too either, I’m just learning to go with the flow. I’m also encouraging her to explore herself with toys whilst alone, which seems to be helping. While the penetration seems to be an issue, her favourite clit vibrator she/we have no problem using any time.

A quick look around this site and the internet and you will see masturbation is healthy for you and most people do it. I’m sure you know this, but it still doesn’t mean that bit in the back of your mind that has been there for years that you shouldn’t be doing it, just goes away. I’ve seen several posts where the lady always plays with toys alone first to come to grips with the toy and themselves before using them with their partner, this reduces some of the anxiety about the toys use.

If you can’t find some relaxed time to experiment with the toys yourself or get that little voice in your head to go away so you can. Another option would be to try some dilators with your partner, as they start with small and thin which allows penetration, you can then work up to the sizes till you are up at the classic vibrator size.

How lovely to see you on this journey at 70 years young @Juicy-Jan!

At the end of the day, maybe these are just not the right toys for you - we all have different wants / needs / quirks. There are a million toys to choose from.

My wife only every liked clit vibrators, externally, but she has changed - she is still not a dildo lover but she’s much more interested in using things internally these days, and a lot more adventurous! Often, she will experiment with adding a toy internally while I’m in there too! which is pretty fun :slight_smile:

But as you, and others have said, it’s a mindset thing.

Try masturbating - sounds like you have a long term issue with that - but you also seem very open minded (you’re here, experimenting and asking questions!)

Try putting a container’ on that - set aside some time, have a bath, use some massage oil, candles, music … what ever relaxes you, teases your senses and makes you feel good. If you are on your own, with no pressure, you might find some new options opening up for you?

But ultimately, don’t stress yourself or feel pressure - there are a million ways to skin a cat, and a million toys to play with, so give yourself permission to say yes, no or maybe to whatever feels wight at the time.

Enjoy your adventures! :slight_smile:

Yippee. Thank you to all for your comments, suggestions and contributions to this thread.
All sorted yesterday and without going into any details - I’m sure you all heard me :slight_smile:
Now to spend time finding the sweet spots, speeds, techniques and so on that’ll suit me, my moods and what I fancy at any given time.
Looking forward to many experimental sessions, but in the end my OH will always be the star prize.
As a shy person, I sincerely thank you all for your help. You have know idea what it took to post this initially.


Have you tried being blindfolded and maybe put some music on to hide the noise of a pending vibrator?

Your OH could spend some time teasing and pleasing you, using his mouth, fingers, cock, etc. and mixing it up. Use your trusted bullet and as you are relaxed and just enjoying the pleasures, as he mixes things up, he can include trying to use one of the vibrators to see if it helps that you’re focussing on the pleasure you’re receiving rather than what it is coming from? He could try using his fingers with a vib to begin with before changing to just the vibrator. It may be they only introduce one of the toys, it doesn’t need to be them all in the same session.

Something else that may be worth considering: do you like the feel of the material in your hands? If you don’t, that could be putting you off having the toy inside you so you are subconsciously rejecting. Maybe pick the one you like the feel of most, and if you try the above with being blindfolded, get them to try with this one first.

Ah, should have properly read all comments rather than skimming through.

Good to know you successfully enjoyed your new toys.

Not that successfully - still an ongoing project. Thx for the reply