turned off by breastmilk??

fuck buddy totally loves my boobs, but seeing as i'm still breastfeeding my littlest he won't really go near them. it seems to just be the idea of any milk squirting at him or getting in his mouth. obviously it's just something i'm going to have to put up with for now, but it's so frustrating!!!!

Definitely a killer turnoff.

yeah, thought so

meh, it won't be forever

Just one of those things i guess my oh has never minded all that much through my pregnancy's

My partner hates it too. This is my second baby and he won't be going near my boobs till I have dried up. He made the mistake of having a quick such last week and I could see the look of disgust on his face when he got a mouthful. However he says he doesn't mind the leaking.... Apparently that's quite sexy

I'll just have to keep reminding him how long he'll be going without boobs for haha

I must be the only one who enjoyed it.

It was another chance for us to be close, to experience something new, to share something that no one else does etc.

@trial&error your oh is lucky. My boobs got no action for over a year with my first child between pregnancy colostrum and breastfeeding. And worst part is that after breast feeding my first my nipples are no longer as sensitive. So after waiting do long for boobie fun it not even as fun as I remember

me and my partnere joke about the ide of him trying to make me lactate so that he can have morning snacks without having to get out of bed. not sure how he would react if it happened for real though.

I wish it was possible to turn it on!

Never mind him, i found it a turnoff

My boobs were out of bounds in late pregnancy and while i was feeding. It's a small sacrafice for the benefit of our babies.

ive found most men found it a huge turn on :/

i've just been a little bit sick in my mouth

As a guy, I cannot wait to get the missus pregnant and play with her milky boobs! I don't really get how it can be a turn-off really - but I guess I'm just the odd one here.

My OH didn't really mind but i did as once they started they would literally spray milk even without being touched which was a pain. so i made it out of bounds unless my little one had had a mega feed and i had pumped before hand and then only within the half hour after otherwise there would be loads!

my advice is to try pumping till you see no more milk then hand express for a few minutes then pump again. if there is no more visible milk in the pump you should be ok :)


pumping doesn't tend to work for me, even after 14 months of feeding!! I'll get over it, it won't be forever.

thanks for all the responses :)

Not turned off by breast milk but just don't want to ever taste it!

Something I read recently, maybe on these forums, cant remember but....

Isnt it funny how, as humans, we happily drink the milk squeezed from the udder of other mammals, Cows, goats and sheep for example. Yet we find the idea of human milk, formulated specifically for humans, so disgusting! lol

I tasted mine when breast feeding. Tastes kinda sweet. Can't say I had any urges to bottle it and start baking with it though. It wasn't what I was "Used to" but I still think the societal norm to accept cows milk without blinking, and turn noses up at human milk, is a little ironic.

I tried mine and think it tastes ok. But it's too precious to waste.... Mummy's milk is not for my breakfast Cereal or cup of tea lol

bumblebee wrote:

pumping doesn't tend to work for me, even after 14 months of feeding!! I'll get over it, it won't be forever.

thanks for all the responses :)

Pumping doesn't work for a lot of women so you're not alone! But as you said it's not forever :) Xx