Type of anal stroker

Seems to be my night for starting topics. I’ve been spending so much time in this forum I’ve read most everything seemingly. Anyway I’m interested in getting some kind of anal stroker (remote controlled so my wife can run it while we’re out). My concern is that I have an anal vibrator and it’d good but not great. It’ll never give an orgasm. The stroker intrigues me tho as it pumps in and out by about 5/8" and vibrates too. One even has a second section that moves up and down where the sphincter is intermittently stretching that area while the stroker is pumping back and forth at your prostate. That sound really interesting. Does anybody have any experience with something like this. Never checked Lovehoney site???

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Cor this sounds like it’s got all the bells and whistles!
Would be interesting to hear how you get on with it.

I’ve once had a vibrating thrusting dildo but the thrusting didn’t feel much different and broke after a few plays lol