🇬🇧 UK Special Offers, Top Sale Picks and DOTD

No DOTD posted for Sunday 29th yet :woman_shrugging:t2:
I’ll add it later if one gets put on.

@IrvineTheBigYin - I think @Ian_Chimp 's advice is spot on. If you want to compare it to previous ones just use the topic search function but I’m afraid I’m not going to be doing that daily for every item before posting the deal as it’s significant extra work. I also don’t think adding the extra option is overly helpful as if people own it and really like it they’re going to say it’s a good deal whether it’s 30% off or 50% off. And if they don’t like it and think they wasted their money then it’s not a good deal to them even at 70% off. At least that’s how I would use the option :woman_shrugging:t2:. I think the toy’s good, the toy’s bad and I like the look and am tempted are more helpful. If you have further questions on a product feel free to ask anyone that’s voted on the thread below and they can probably help you.