Well i know it causes paranoia etc, so maybe being out of his head on weed amplifies his sensitivity to sound?
Apparently hubby had thought about it yesterday but didn’t say anything because he didn’t think it was appropriate. I could bloomin’ throttle him! It’s going to be much harder to drop it in as an afterthought as it will sound like we’re digging for reasons to blame the other party.
At this point I’m half tempted to go and meet his bird because I’m hoping that she too is reasonable. I can’t be the only one that wants to knock their heads together
The power of a uniform!!
I can neither confirm nor deny, they can be effective
I’m sure the handcuffs can come in handy?
Hard to say, I’ve busted a pair of handcuffs before so I would say nah.
The rigid cuffs the police use today, however, could prove an interesting challenge, and could be a little bit… bitey
Hello folks,
I just wanted to pop onto this thread and provide an update for you all. It all kicked off yesterday morning: there were a couple of loud bangs from next door and hubby heard some kid shout “you don’t know who the f**k you’re dealing with mate!”. A few hours later, the police rocked up and arrested a young white lad for racially aggrevated harassment (guy that has been giving us grief is a black man). We didn’t really think much of it at first but the fact that the victim and the perptrator both live close by? It’s pretty obvious they’re either neighbours, or living together.
So I dropped the police an email and said that I don’t know if it’s relevant, but this situation has been going on and we are trying to resolve it through mediation at the moment. I’m hopeful of course that our neighbour will respond positively and take up our offer to mediate, but that’s now out of my hands and I’m waiting to hear back from our caseworker as to whether or not they have accepted. What I found fascinating, however, is that this neighbour has seeming upset the other - possibly for too long - and unfortunately has been racially harassed in response, to which the ‘victim’ called the police. I don’t approve of racist behaviour of course, but if it is related then I wanted the police to be very clear that it is six of one and half a dozen of the other, and the ‘victim’ might not be as innocent as what he perhaps wants them to believe.
So there we have it. Even if I desperately wanted to try and prevent this from becoming a police matter, it now seems to have become a police matter anyway. At least my husband and I took the sensible approach and will have the law firmly on our side
I did have to chuckle though: the young lad told our next door neighbour that he doesn’t know who he’s dealing with, and he’s right, he really doesn’t. It seems he’s called the police because he felt racially attacked, but I doubt he’ll anticipate getting a possible lecture from the police for banging on his neighbours floors and walls in the first place
Hello all,
Just a very quick update to let you know the outcome of this matter. I met with our new housing officer on Tuesday and he told me that our neighbour had told him that his issue with us had been “resolved”, so that’s nice to know, considering he hadn’t said anything to us. HO was not impressed with the late-night wall/door knocking though - he said our behaviour was not unreasonable and our neighbours was, and any future harassment to dial 101. Apparently it’s a soundproofing issue and it’s very common, but our neighbours still seem to think they’ll get perfect peace and quiet in a local authority property - best joke I’ve heard in a long time!