Vaginal Prolapse

Hello all,

Not sure if this is the right place to post this thread.

Wondering if any of you wonderful people have any advice.

Basically ive had 4 children naturally, but ive been left with a vaginal prolapse, ultimatly it means that i cant use tampons also sometimes penetration can be awkward especially if im on top.

Ive been looking into keegal excersisers, would they be able to help restore the vagina to a more pre-children conditon? When i had my first i was also given an episiotomy, so i wonder if this has anything to do with the prolapse or if it was just the trauma of birthing an 8lb baby quickly. I got the prolapse after the first child and felt that it wasnt worth seeking medical restoration until id finished my family.

What would be the best type of toner to buy? Im assuming start big and light then get smaller and heavier? I do not suffer with any incontence, but i want to improve tone to be able to use tamons as well as have better sex, and make sex better for my partner. I also now suffer with a slight anal prolapse, and i wonder if this is connected to the vaginal prolapse or if its from a previous partner forcing anal sex on me, and my body not being ready for it. Would toning the vaginal walls also help with the anal walls?

If i need to i will go to the doctors and get medical help for the prolapse but thought if i could get some balls/toners and try myself first it would be better. Ive looked at the tracey cox super sex toner balls. would these be the best place to start.

Sorry for all the questions, but its not something i could ask my friends.

Thank you in advance


My GP suggested Kegel exercisers for a prolapse but some of them are specifically labelled as unsuitable for people with a prolapse so do take care.

I would really recommend you get medical advice as there are different types of prolapse; bowel, bladder and uterine.

I too had difficulty with tampax and penetration was often painful, especially in certain positions. After my last smear test the nurse referred me to my GP as she had trouble doing the smear. Further investigations revealed a bowel prolapse and I opted for surgery. It was a relatively simple procedure, a night in hospital and a few weeks not lifting/driving etc. That little op has improved my life no end. My sex life has improved out of all recognition.

So, I would really recommend you start with your doctor. Go for the toner balls afterwards as they will help stop a repeat prolapse.

A vaginal prolapse from child birth is when the vaginal wall gets pushed forward by the uterus. Using kegal balls or doing kegal exercises yourself regularly can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles which can help prevent a vaginal prolapse. Whether they can help an already existing prolapse depends on the severity of the prolapse.

I think your best option is going to see a doctor. You don't want to be sticking things up there without getting properly checked out first because you could do yourself more damage. You can discuss your options with a doctor and mention kegal balls and kegal excersises and see if your doctor thinks that it will help you, but sometimes there's absolutely nothing that can correct it apart from surgery. I would also suggest seeing your doctor immediately about a possible anal prolapse. The earlier it's detected by a doctor the easier it is to treat.

I hope that helps, good luck :)

OK. I have a bit of advice for you .... I have been in your place and had front top and back prolapse after 2 kids and I really wish I got sorted out sooner than 13 years after my oldest!.
If you have had 4.. Consider if you are planning more kids.. If not do see if a doc can sort you out an appointment for a prolapse repair. Level exercises are all well and good but if you have a bad prolapse, it may not do enough to exercise.
I ended up with a posterior repair and a hyst which took care of the vaginal prolapse. Afterward... I am finding things a lot tighter if still need toning, so I am starting with kegels now, just to tweak a bit more
A repair is a really good way of sorting out prolapse, but if you have hyst, you get no option for more kids... But upside no more periods, feeling heavy and droopy, and 1 year on... I have felt like a horny schoolgirl again at 42!😇
A referal will get you more answers, and if they come up with the non surgical solutions 1st and progress upward, it is only to see if less intervention is needed or not.
Personally I wish I had it done years ago.... It takes a bit of recovery but end result is worth it. We are all different, but I think as women/ mums we are reluctant to tinker with the plumbing,and end up suffering needlessly. Sex should not be painful, and if you can't keep a tampon in it sounds like you have something that does need. Checking.
Take the plunge and see the go for a

Hi JB all great advice. From a male perspective please don't be to worried. My wife has had 2 children and she tore and things did change a little on her vulva. It took me a while to reassure her I loved her and her pussy more as she had given us a family. It is your body but it does sound as though you would be more comfortable and confident if you had the op. Good luck with whatever you choose.

Gentle giant wrote:

Hi JB all great advice. From a male perspective please don't be to worried. My wife has had 2 children and she tore and things did change a little on her vulva. It took me a while to reassure her I loved her and her pussy more as she had given us a family. It is your body but it does sound as though you would be more comfortable and confident if you had the op. Good luck with whatever you choose.

Actually prolapse can be very uncomfortable condition. Vaginal changes after giving birth do happen and woman may need time to adjust, but prolaps... thats completely different matter. Prolapse can cause very uncomfortable sensations or pain during sex. It generally depends on the severity. In most severe cases it may fall through the vaginal opening if the support falls enough.

So while changes after giving birth may take bit of time to adjust, this can be far more serious.

geebee, I hope you visit a doctor, who can advise what would be the best. Best of luck!

I didn't have a prolapse I had a retroverted uterus. Caused by carrying a 10lb 11oz baby.
I had surgery to fix it.