Vasectomy results found non-motile sperm

I have just had ny results back after vasectomy sample at 12 weeks and over 20 ejaculations.

The results said i have non motile sperm and to still use contraception then to do another test in 4 weeks.

Has anyone else experienced this and did it clear by the second test?

Any tips on how to clear the pipeline?

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I only had to do one test but they did advise to carry on for a few weeks just incase there was anything left ect… All though I could do a lot as had a infection on the one side and had a ball as big a tennis ball :joy:.
Just need to pump those numbers up :joy:

Had to do 2 specimens but was all clear them little fellas where without tails and no sense of direction :+1:

You should be doing 20 ejaculations a week, not 2-3. Empty the tank bro…

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So does that mean your sperm still has the potential to get someone pregnant even after having the snip? :hushed:

If they’re non motile they cannot move down the vaginal canal in their own. I was told to do it about 20 times in 2 weeks, took 5 weeks for everything to come back negative. There are always circumstances that can change however

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Partner had the snip yesterday, they said do 16wks, 7 days prior no cumming but make
Sure inbetween theres atleast 24 ejaculations

Informed chance of pregnancy still, its just left over sperm in the tubes.

I will pick my numbers up between now and second sample.

Wolf of wall Street springs to mind​:joy:

You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket!

Good luck, hopefully everything works out how they’re supposed to.

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Very interesting :thinking: funny they don’t do some sort of hoover thing and suck all the excess sperm out to ensure clear pipes :sweat_smile:

Being awake for the procedure just the cutting and the burning of the tubes where bad enough to listen to. I think hearing a hoover would have make me pass out :joy:

Haha oh wow so you actually are awake for the procedure as well! :scream: that would make me squirm hearing it all so damn brave you are dude.

Randomly I’ve heard in the past when some men are required to give a sperm sample if the man chooses not to naturally masturbate it out they’ll instead syringe it fresh out the testicles with a large extraction needle thing :syringe: :scream:

I have not heard it anywhere abour suction it out.

I just need to keep clearing pipes and waiting for my body to absorb the rest.

Tye actually procedure was fine, i have had more uncomfortable :poop:

I don’t think anyone gets put under as it is a local procedure. And the ability to vac out the sperm is pretty tough. It is most effective when it gets pumped out with the natural muscles! More fun too!


Very interesting to learn about :nerd_face: and defo better to self express!

I was done 4 years ago however the test results kept saying non motile sperm and to keep testing before the all clear.
Not convinced though and have used contraception with the gf just incase
Is there an option to retest again?